When teaching children and adolescents, it is important to instill in them the skills of logical thinking. Such skills will help in the future to explain abstract concepts, substantiate the phenomena of reality and competently defend their own point of view. The joint participation of children and adults in logic games will allow you to find better mutual understanding and will simply bring you a lot of joyful minutes.

It is necessary
developed creative imagination
Step 1
To understand the principles of building logic games, check out the child development manuals. Today there are a number of books that cover in detail the game side of the learning process. Best of all, if you can read one of the collections of similar games, provided with specific examples and how-tos.
Step 2
Enter the necessary restrictions by defining the age range for the participants in the game you are creating. The requirements for its logical structure and content will depend on how old the players are. For preschoolers, it is undesirable to include too abstract concepts in the composition of play objects that have no analogues in the surrounding material world.
Step 3
Determine the direction of the future game. Among the logic games, the most interesting and exciting are those aimed at developing ingenuity and ingenuity. They allow participants to show speed of thought while developing the ability to make judgments correctly. Tricky games are good when you need to switch your child to another activity.
Step 4
For example, consider a logic game, conventionally called "word chain". According to the rules, the participants sit in a circle, after which one of them calls any word. The neighboring participant must immediately say a word starting with the last letter of the previous one, after which all players in a circle are included in the game sequentially. Establish a rule that you cannot repeat previously spoken words. The advantage of such a game exercise is that it does not require any additional materials.
Step 5
Take as a basis the structure of the described game, slightly modifying the task and introducing additional time limits. For example, it is allowed to name only the names of animate objects; a penalty point is assigned for each error; those who find it difficult to name the right word are eliminated from the game, and so on. In this simple way, you can get several new logic games, while maintaining interest in them from the participants.