It is natural for a person to worry about his future, especially at a time when his fate is being decided. Knowledge, albeit unreliable, can provide some clarity and ease the fear of the unknown. It also helps a person make choices when they are at a crossroads and cannot decide where to go next.

The most popular divination options
Astrologers and palmists are often involved in predicting the future. Drawing up individual horoscopes and deciphering lines on the palms are now popular services, moreover, you can try to provide them yourself if you go through training. However, for the simplest predictions you will not have to study for a long time, because you can use the blanks of experienced astrologers and palmists and elementary options for carrying out calculations. For example, you can look at the life line and find signs on it, including crosses and islands, or calculate the numbers that are meaningful to you by your date of birth.
Maps can also be used to predict the future. Examples include Tarot and Lenormand. In specialty stores, you can purchase any suitable deck with the design that you like. Be prepared to spend a lot of time studying the meaning of cards and their combinations, as well as learning the technique of fortune-telling. As a result, you will learn to predict the future.
If you don't like the cards, you can try to master the fortune-telling on the runes. The set can be made of pieces of wood, stones, metal with signs carved on the surface. For prediction, traditional Germanic runes are usually used, and not Anglo-Saxon, Slavic, Gothic. There are usually 25 of them in the set, although the Odin rune, or the blank rune, is sometimes excluded. By studying the history and meaning of each symbol, you will be able to predict the future with their help. Moreover, over time, it is recommended to start using do-it-yourself runes instead of the purchased set.
How can you know your future
You can also find out what will happen to you in the future with the help of sleep. For this, you should not use a dream book - it is better to pay special attention to what emotions and what reaction a particular image in a dream caused in you, write down the brightest moments and try to interpret them taking into account the events that occurred later. Experienced predictors can even "order" dreams to get an answer to their question.
In ancient times, people often resorted to the art of geomancy - ancient fortune telling using earth, stones or sand. You can draw pictures on the ground or put dots, trying to connect them later in an understandable way. Another option is to purchase natural stones and guess with their help, having studied the meaning of each. Such fortune-telling is difficult, but it still has many fans.