Breathe the free wind, discover unexplored horizons, constantly be on the road, where the reward is pleasant trinkets, communication with like-minded people, exchange of information. All this and more is geocaching.

In fact, geocaching is a kind of tourist game, but with the use of the most advanced technologies, which include satellite navigation maps, computers, mobile phones, and so on. Each participant needs to look for caches hidden by other geocaches, tied to geographic coordinates.
Usually the "cache" is located in a historical, cultural and simply very beautiful place. Necessarily accessible and not forbidden. It seems that under such conditions everything is very simple, but the accuracy of modern GPS receivers fluctuates within a radius of meters to tens of meters. Therefore, such a search can be very interesting.
Beginner geocaches rules
You don't have to make sacrifices, dire vows, and lifelong commitments to become a geocacher. You just need to have an optimal set of tools and follow certain rules.
As for the toolkit, the kit of a young caches necessarily includes a GPS navigator with up-to-date maps, a compass, a computer with Internet access, and ordinary travel equipment, if the cache is located far from settlements. As for the rules, everything is somewhat more complicated here.
It is imperative for a geocacher to create his own hiding places and find strangers. For this, an interesting and accessible place is chosen. After the bookmark, you should beautifully describe the place, add its photos.
Once the cache is found, an entry must be made in the cache notebook. You can take any item from it, leaving your own in return with a corresponding mark in the notebook. Then the cache is put back in its original place and is well camouflaged.
When creating your "treasure", a suitable place is selected. Only one cache is confined to one location. It is imperative to describe the surrounding place. If special equipment is required to reach the desired point, this must be indicated. You should also inform the participants about the possible dangers.
It is forbidden to use life-threatening military places for the cache, closed to public access. At the end of the season (usually spring-summer-fall), totals and qualifications are summarized, which vary by organization and country.
Interesting about geocaching
It may seem funny, but in the USSR you can find an analogue of geocaching, which many did in childhood, creating the so-called secrets.
The popularity of the game is so great that the well-known company Garmin, which produces GPS navigators, has implemented a function with geocaching caches. And the latest models have special helper functions for geocaching enthusiasts.