How To Check Yourself For A Love Spell

How To Check Yourself For A Love Spell
How To Check Yourself For A Love Spell

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Using a love spell, a person rarely thinks about its consequences. However, interference with the victim's energy can lead to a sharp deterioration in her health. Illegal behavior, aggressiveness towards close people, absent-mindedness, frequent illnesses are a sign of a love spell that can be diagnosed on your own.

proverit na privorot
proverit na privorot

It is necessary

  • - Photo of the victim of a love spell;
  • - Deep plate;
  • - Water;
  • - Fresh egg;
  • - Knife;
  • - Church candles;
  • - A silver thing.


Step 1

Love spell checking is carried out by various methods, among which the use of a chicken egg is popular. It is advisable to use a fresh egg purchased at a private courtyard for the ritual. For 3 minutes, hold it over a photograph of a person who may have become a victim of a love spell or over yourself. Next, place your photo in front of a deep dish filled with water. Crack the shell of the egg with a knife and pour the contents into the water. A cloudy protein with an unpleasant odor accurately indicates the presence of a love spell.

Step 2

You can use the egg differently. Fill a glass halfway with clean water and, carefully breaking the shell, pour the egg into it. Be careful not to damage the yolk. Strip to the waist and sit down. Place the glass with the egg on top of your head. In this position, you need to sit for at least a minute. Remove the glass from the top and examine the egg. If it remains unchanged, calm down, there was no love spell. If bubbles, fringe or yolk are clearly visible, look as if it was cooked, look for a psychic to remove a love spell from yourself.

Step 3

You can define a love spell with wax. Buy church candles and cut one into small pieces. Place a photograph of the victim in front of a deep plate of water and hold a container with wax over it or over yourself for 3 minutes. Melt the wax over the fire of another candle and pour it into the water in one swift motion. Remove the hardened wax from the water and carefully examine its shape. If the wax has frozen in the form of an uneven structure with many cloudy branches and holes, the love spell takes place. If the wax froze in the form of an even piece, no one intruded into the energy of a person.

Step 4

Another method, how to find out about casting a love spell, is self-diagnosis with the help of a church candle. If you suspect that a love spell is imposed, light a candle and take it in your right hand. Raise the candle to the level of the heart. Hold a silver thing in your left hand. Closing your eyes, try to focus your attention on the reality of the love spell. After 10 minutes, look at the candle. If its flame crackles, smokes or sways, it means that the love spell was directed.
