The ritual of love spell does not pass without leaving a trace. In addition to attraction and love for the customer of the ceremony, there are a number of behavioral signs by which one can understand that a person has been "spoiled". In any case, if there are suspicions of such a negative impact from the outside, do not rush to conclusions, only an experienced magician can confirm the presence of a love spell.

How to understand that a love spell has been made on you
There are a number of signs by which you can determine the presence of a love spell. Such an impact is not a normal state of a person, it violates his will. Inside, as a rule, there is a constant confrontation and there is no comprehension of this or that action.
The "bewitched" is constantly on the verge: either in a highly overexcited state, or in a depressive state. This affects physical health, the body cannot withstand such changes and loads, harmful diseases develop. A person is actually indoctrinated with an imposed program, he does not see or hear anything around him, those close to him no longer have authority. He is constantly drawn to one person, the one who brought the love spell. Even if the former "I" tries to fight, to return to a normal lifestyle, to a family - nothing comes of it, the bewitched fulfills the will of a new passion. A person becomes suggestible, from despair he is visited by thoughts of suicide. Anything that is not connected with his new love no longer makes sense.
Found unfamiliar things can be a source of love spell - "lining". Usually "lining" is put under the door of a residential building or in a person's pockets, most often it is candles, matches, needles, earth, poppy seeds.
If you have not had to deal with such things before, their presence should alert you. Love spell can be done from a photo or using food and drink.
How to remove a love spell from yourself
There is opposition to any love spell. There are many safe words and strong spells for removing a love spell. People with a strong will and great desire can remove a love spell on their own. Under magical influence, it is necessary to feel a sense of reality and control over oneself. In addition, it is necessary to clearly define who made the "dry" and against whom you are going to act.
The first thing to do is assess the situation. Understand how it happened to you and whether you want to change something.
Be alone with yourself, take a walk, take a vacation and turn off your phones. Stop all contacts with your passion, no more calls and recent meetings. Keep in mind, the next meeting will lead everything to the initial level. Get rid of absolutely all things that would resemble a relationship: personal items, gifts, phone numbers. Do not regret getting rid of expensive items, nothing should evoke memories.
Next, you need to restore vitality. Go for jogging, exercise, yoga will ideally replenish the balance. Be in nature more often, breathe fresh air. Hiking with a bath and dousing with cold water, right with your head, are useful. Create a hobby for yourself.
Your day should be scheduled by the minute so that there is no time left for unnecessary thoughts and memories, prioritize. Go to church, pray, light candles.
Your goal is to change the feeling of the world. If within a month you do not feel better, then you will have to seek help in removing a love spell from an experienced master.