The nest is a building of the inhabitants of the earth and water for living, breeding and protecting their own kind. Nests are very different in their architecture and construction methods. How to draw the nests of our smaller brothers?

It is necessary
- - Paper;
- - pencil;
- - eraser.
Step 1
Draw the bird's nest located in the tree. Draw pencil sketches in the middle of the paper. Draw the trunk of the tree - a vertical, straight, wide line with a branch extending to the right. Draw a circle in the groove of the checkmark of the tree, part of which is hidden behind a side branch.
Step 2
At the top of the circle, draw an elongated oval positioned horizontally. Shade the lower part of the nest tightly with vertical short lines. Above the shading, draw alternately light and dark horizontal lines - the layers of the nest building.
Step 3
Draw the upper border of the circle with short strokes. Sketch the left part of the oval with a dark color, the middle with a lighter one, and leave the right part lighter. Place a bird on the nest.
Step 4
Draw a woodpecker's nest. Draw an elongated rectangle positioned vertically - the trunk of the tree. In the middle of the trunk, draw a shape that resembles an elongated drop with an exit to the outside. At the very bottom of the nest, draw chicks with beaks stretching upward.
Step 5
Draw a fish nest. Draw a large circle at the bottom of the album sheet, and another much smaller one in the middle. Darken the small circle, and fill in the space between the boundaries of the circle with short dashed lines repeating the outline of the nest. Add sparse algae - wavy vertical lines - and depict the rippling water with short horizontal strokes. Don't forget to add the inhabitants - fish.
Step 6
Draw the frog's nest. Draw two ovals, one in the other. Fill in the large oval with small circles, symbolizing the building material. Divide the middle of the small oval into two parts with a horizontal line. The bottom will be water. Draw roots in the water. Place two large leaves along the frog's nest.