What Is The Film "Ma" About: Release Date In Russia, Actors, Trailer

What Is The Film "Ma" About: Release Date In Russia, Actors, Trailer
What Is The Film "Ma" About: Release Date In Russia, Actors, Trailer

A little over two weeks are left before the premiere of the creepy thriller "Ma". This is a picture for those who like to "tickle their nerves" and are ready for completely unexpected plot twists.

What is the movie about
What is the movie about

Many horror fans are expecting the premiere of Ma. It will be possible to watch the picture in Russian cinemas very soon. The first day of rental is scheduled for June 13, 2019. But in some other countries, the premiere will take place on May 31 (for example, in the USA).

What is known about filming?

A very unusual and talented acting team has worked on the picture, so moviegoers expect an excellent game from it. For example, the roles in the film went to Octavia Spencer, Diana Silvers, Missy Pyle. All of them note that working on the picture was very interesting, but not easy. But there were no mysterious incidents, as is often the case during the filming of horror or thrillers.

The main character of the picture is a dark-skinned adult woman who knows how to instantly rub herself into the confidence of young people. She was played by Octavia Spencer and, as the filmmakers are opening the veil of secrecy, she did it very well.


A creative team from the United States worked on the picture, but the plot tells about a story that happened in the province of Great Britain. The shooting took place in very picturesque places, but not at all in English towns. For the main part of the plot, the creators of the picture chose the state of Mississippi. The film crew was especially active here in the winter and spring of 2018.

The film was directed by the eminent American Tate Taylor. He defines the genre of his "brainchild" as a "psychological thriller". The duration of the picture turned out to be almost 100 minutes. This is the usual duration for modern cinema.

Plot of the film

Initially, it may seem like "Ma" is a fun, youthful American comedy. The events in the film unfold in a similar way: young people are looking for where to have fun and a sociable charming woman offers them her home. Will there really be the usual American jokes, a lot of alcohol and entertainment? These expectations of the audience will definitely not come true.


In fact, the film turned out to be creepy and mystical. The story, which will be told to the viewer, took place in a small, modest city far from the capital. It is home to ordinary hard workers who do not try to somehow change their fate. Only young people dream of a better future in the town. In the meantime, they cannot leave their native land, they are trying to find ways of entertainment right on the spot.

One day, the guys got together and began to think of where they would have a lot of fun and not catch the eyes of their parents. As a result, they met a kind and seemingly prepossessing adult black woman. She gave permission to host a party at her large country house. There is only one condition - not to look into the lady's room.


At first, young people were very pleased with this opportunity. But further creepy events in the house will make them regret their consent to a party with a stranger.

It is not yet possible to find out more precise details of the plot of the film, but very soon everyone will be able to appreciate it. In the meantime, the curiosity of the audience is satisfied with the mysterious and eerie trailer, which does not reveal all the secrets of the novelty.
