Solving riddles will require active thought work. The more entertainingly the form of the puzzle is constructed, the better it will be to unobtrusively help the child to master something new.

Riddles - questions composed in a certain form, suggesting getting an answer-guess. When teaching a child new concepts, they can be used to test intelligence, develop observation, and consolidate the material.
What is a riddle
Riddles as folk art appeared in the world a long time ago. They are quite widely used as a means of entertainment or education and are entertaining questions about phenomena or objects that should be carefully considered and found an answer, that is, a solution.
A riddle is an excellent exercise for the development of logic, with the implementation of which a child can be taught to abstract, that is, take into account only certain aspects of an object, or synthesize - find an object according to several signs that are listed in the task.
How to teach a child to solve riddles
Most kids enjoy searching and finding answers to riddles.
This is a good test of knowledge and great fun, the process itself brings pleasure no less than the result.
The search for an answer and an explanation of the conclusion, which led to the solution, will require the child to be able to reason - it will be necessary to solve the set problem creatively, and it will be necessary to express his thoughts in a sufficiently convincing form. It is much easier and more accurate for children to guess riddles if they are taught the skill of logical judgment. Now the answer will be based not on an accidental coincidence, but on the analysis of the proposed material.
To give the correct detailed answer to the question, the child must learn to distinguish the signs named in the riddle. Riddles intended for children are usually built in such a way that the child can move in stages while looking for an answer. You should not be prompted for the answer - quick prompts make it impossible to think for yourself.
Having got used to ready-made answers, the child may gradually lose interest in riddles altogether.
It is not necessary to immediately try to find the answer - when deciding, it is better to try to move from general characteristics to particular ones.
Example. After reading the riddle, first think about what should be the answer - an object or a phenomenon?
I'm all made of iron
I have no legs or arms.
I'll fit my hat into the board, And for me everything is thump and thump.
It is clear that we are talking about an inanimate object, because it is made of iron. "Knock knock" - may suggest a hammer. Further thoughts go approximately in the following direction: what inanimate object can "wear" a hat? And as if by itself comes the answer "iron nail", since "hat" helps to remember the "hat".
The complexity of the riddle for the guesser will always depend on how familiar he is with the object in question and the data reported about it. This is true for everyone, be it a man or a woman, a girl or a child.