Ashton Kutcher is a popular actor and model. He plays equally well both complete gouges and genius personalities. He became a successful actor thanks to such films as The Butterfly Effect and The Rescuer. To date, his filmography includes a huge number of projects.

Cedar Rapids. It was in this city that the famous guy, the favorite of moviegoers, Ashton Kutcher, was born. This event happened in February 1978. By the way, there are a huge number of rumors according to which Ashton was born 4 years earlier, on the same day as his brother Michael. Everyone can decide for himself who exactly to believe - the journalists or the actor himself. In addition to him and his brother, the girl Tasha was brought up in the family. Ashton also has stepbrothers.
Hard childhood
Parents broke up when the guy was 13 years old. Rumor has it that Michael's son's illness was to blame. He suffered from cardiomyopathy and even underwent surgery. However, health problems did not disappear after the heart transplant. Negatively, the guy's illness affected Ashton himself. He was so afraid that his brother would die that he tried not to think about his problems at all. And after the divorce of his parents, he tried to take his own life.

The biography of a popular actor could be completely different. Stepfather and mom decided to move to a farm, where they were firmly "stuck". However, Ashton decided he didn't want to be a herder. Therefore, immediately after graduation, I left away from my stepfather's farm.
There was also a moment in his biography when he could go to jail. After breaking up with a friend, Ashton decided to steal from his native school. However, he was caught. The guy got off with correctional labor and a suspended sentence. By the way, this was the first and only moment when the girl left him. Subsequently, parting took place only on his initiative.
Student years
Ashton Kutcher received his education at the University of Iowa. He was an idealist, he wanted to come up with a medicine that could heal his brother. Therefore, I entered to study as a biochemist. In pairs, he showed himself calmly, was collected, listened attentively to the teachers. But in the extracurricular time he gave free rein to emotions. Thanks to the "eternal" spree, flew out of the hostel
In addition to training and constant drunkenness, he managed to work at the factory and play sports. More than once in his interviews he said that he did not understand how he did not die in those years. He remembers his student past with bitterness.
A new stage in the biography
The wild life ended after the Iowa Fresh Faces contest. Ashton was among the contestants quite by accident. He was invited by an agent, whom he met during another party. Naturally, Ashton won first place in the competition, after which he began to work as a model. However, he quickly realized that this field of activity did not suit him. After leaving the modeling business, he decided to become an actor.
After several minor roles in serial projects and television programs, he received his first successful role. He appeared in the serial film "Show of the 70s". Ashton starred in all 8 seasons. Roles in feature films were also successful. At first, he got the roles of a fool and dolt. He has appeared in films such as "Where's My Car, Dude" and "My Boss's Daughter."
Among the comedy projects in which Ashton Kutcher starred, one should highlight the films "Killers", "Once Upon a Time in Las Vegas", "Womanizer", "More than Sex", "Valentine's Day", "Newlyweds". The audience also appreciated his role in the serial project "2, 5 People", in which Ashton successfully replaced Charlie Sheen.
Dramatic roles
Ashton Kutcher proved himself not only as an actor of the comedy genre. In his filmography, there was a place for dramatic projects. The film "The Butterfly Effect" has become a success. Then there was the melodrama "More than love" and the political film "Bobby". He also starred in the popular movie "Rescuer". For the sake of the role in the film, he refused to participate in the "Show of the 70s" project.

I had to completely reincarnate in the motion picture “Jobs. Empire of Seduction”. He appeared in the lead role before his fans. However, the project was not successful. He even recaptured the budget with great difficulty. And the actor himself was nominated for an anti-award. Particularly tough film critics played a significant role in this.
To get the role of a genius person, I had to spend many hours studying Steve's gestures, gait, mannerisms and habits. Ashton even ended up in the hospital when he changed his diet. He just decided to stick to the diet of a genius man. The role positively influenced the talented guy. He learned to invest. Moreover, he began to invest money in companies and technologies so successfully that he may no longer work.
Off-set success
Ashton Kutcher's personal life is full of novels. He easily seduced models and colleagues on the set. But all the novels ended quickly enough. The first serious relationship was with actress Brittany Murphy, whom he met during the filming of the movie "Newlyweds". However, the couple broke up quickly enough.

Demi Moore became the first wife. At first, no one took this relationship seriously. Journalists considered Ashton to be just another plaything of the actress. This was mainly due to the large age difference. Ashton was 15 years younger than his chosen one. However, the romance reached the wedding, which took place in 2005. Over time, the relationship nevertheless fell apart. The reason for this was Ashton's betrayal. The divorce dragged on for 2 years. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher finally split up in 2013.
The actress took the breakup painfully. She even took antidepressants. But Ashton Kutcher instantly found a replacement for her. He started dating Mila Kunis. The creative couple hid their relationship until the birth of the child.

The daughter was born in 2014. Her name is Wyatt Isabella. A few months later, the wedding took place, and a year later the second child was born. The son was named Dmitry.