Igor (Garik) Ivanovich Sukachev is known to the public as a reckless rocker. Few people know that he is an exemplary family man. Igor and Olga got married in 1983 and are still together.

Garik Sukachev's first love
The history of dating spouses is very romantic. They met in their teens. Olga was then 14 years old, and Garik was barely 16. In the Soviet Union, they were wary of novels at such a young age, so the couple had to catch sidelong glances at themselves. However, the rebellious natures did not care about condemnation and gossip. The lovers met for eight years before being legally married.

Later, giving interviews, the rock musician noted more than once that he and Olga always had something to talk about. Garik Sukachev has a rather brutal image, but he is not shy about talking about his reverent feelings for his wife. And after many years, there is a place for romance in their pair. At his 50th anniversary concert, the rocker confessed his love to his wife from the stage. The audience greeted this explanation with enthusiastic shouts.
Muse of a rock musician
Garik Sukachev's creative career is very diverse. At various times he was the frontman of the group "Sunset by hand", "Postcriptum", "Brigade C" and "The Untouchables". At all stages of his work, Olga was a muse - the musician says about this in his interviews: "Almost all my songs, one way or another, are dedicated to Olga." One of the most beautiful lyrical compositions performed by him is called "Olga". It is not hard to guess to whom it is dedicated. The history of the creation of this song is interesting: the couple went to visit their friends near Kaliningrad. The plans were to swim and sunbathe, but it started to rain, and the electricity went out due to bad weather. It would seem that the vacation was hopelessly ruined, but the musician consoled his beloved by writing songs for her. In 1994, the musician released the album "Brel, walked, walked", and the song "Olga" became his hit. But the video, unfortunately for the fans, has not yet been filmed for this song. Garik says that every time he sings this song, tears come to his eyes.

In this harmonious pair, not only the musician pleases his chosen one with creativity, she also does a lot for him. So, for example, so that Garik could shoot the film Holiday, she sold her Woodstock restaurant (by the way, the name is symbolic, in honor of the cult festival). And the rock star also revealed the secret of his long and happy relationship: his wife never interfered with his creative work, so most of the songs were written by him at home at night.
Garik received his wife's support at all stages of his journey: when he decided to change the profession of an engineer to a musical path, when he created new rock bands and tried himself as an actor, director and TV presenter. Olga has always been (and is) his reliable support. At the same time, the woman never sought to shine in public and give interviews to journalists.

The rocker lifestyle consists of long tours, exuberant alcohol parties and enthusiastic female fans. And one can only guess how much effort it takes for the wives of rock musicians to keep their families. But this story, it seems, is not about Garik and Olga. They have many common hobbies: they go diving together, they have experience in diving to a depth of fifty meters.
The spouses have a cozy home where guests are always welcome. And also in the house of Igor Ivanovich (this is how he asks to call himself lately, hinting at his age) and his family there are animals. On Instagram, Sukachev talks not only about his work, but also about his family: a charming chinchilla named Pusik lives in their house. And if you flip through the photos, then among the many concert photos of the artist you can find rare photos of his family. The musician signed the photograph of his wife romantically: “The one about whom the song“Olga”is.
Strong family of Sukachevs
Olga and Garik have two children: son Alexander (born in 1985) and daughter Nastya (born in 2004). Children bear the mother's maiden name - Queen. The decision to give the children Olga's surname is justified by the fact that Garik did not want the offspring to bear the burden of his famous surname.

The successes and achievements of children are largely the merit of their parents. And if Garik himself says that he often disappears on tour and rehearsals, then it is clear that Olga is mainly involved in raising children.
Alexander has chosen a creative profession - he is a director, studied in England and has a bachelor's degree in film studies. Daughter Nastya is still at school. Since Olga almost never gives interviews, you have to rely on Garik's opinion: he told reporters that the birth of a daughter was a surprise for them, and very pleasant. The age difference between the children is 19 years. This serves as another proof of the harmony of the relationship of this couple.