Salt dough is a great material for expressing the creativity of young children and adults. From it you can make a lot of all sorts of useful and not so things. One of them is a candlestick.

Candlesticks are different - simple and pretentious shapes, festive and for everyday use. Most often, people light candles in winter. On the one hand, in the cold season it gets dark much earlier, on the other hand, it is during this period that there are two great holidays - New Year and Christmas, associated with the glow of candles. A star-shaped salted dough candlestick is the best choice as a festive accessory.
Dough preparation
But before you start tinkering, you need to knead the dough itself. To prepare it, take the following ingredients:
- 2 cups flour;
- 2 cups fine salt;
- 1 tbsp. wallpaper glue;
- 1 cup warm water.
Knead a fairly tough dough from these products. At the same time, it should neither stick to the hands, nor, on the contrary, crumble when trying to work with it. In the first case, add a little more flour, in the second, moisten your hands with water, knead the dough again, repeat the procedure as many times as necessary to give the sculpting material a tight elastic consistency.
Roll out a lump of dough into a layer about 1 cm wide, immediately transfer it to baking paper, otherwise your structure will stick to the table and will be difficult to peel off. Cut a star out of paper, its size should match the width of the future candlestick. Attach the resulting template to the salted dough and cut 3-4 stars out of it, as many as you can get.
Using a knife in the center of each of the stars, carefully drill a hole in the diameter of the candles that will be installed in the candlestick. The next stage - if you have nowhere to rush, just leave the resulting blanks for 2-3 days in a cool dry place until dry. If you can't wait or are running out of time, send them to an oven preheated to 100 ° C for 2-3 hours. Cooking time depends on the thickness of the stars and the presence of a possible blowing in the oven, which can speed up the drying of the workpieces.
Candlestick decoration
Grease the finished stars with glue, lay them on top of each other, aligning the holes, wait until the glue sets, the candlestick is almost ready. It remains only to paint it in suitable colors. Any paints are suitable for coloring: watercolors, acrylics, gouache. In a word, everything that will be at hand. After the paint has dried, cover the candlestick with a layer of clear varnish and immediately sprinkle it with some sparkles: shapeless, in the form of stars or snowflakes. Wait for the glitter varnish to dry, cover your piece with another coat of varnish - the last one. So, from the most common materials you have a festive accessory that you can use to decorate a festive table or window.