How To Make An Origami Cat

How To Make An Origami Cat
How To Make An Origami Cat

Table of contents:


The oriental art of origami consists in making different figures from square sheets of paper. In the origami technique, the use of scissors and glue is not allowed, but at the same time, by folding a sheet of colored or white paper, you can make any figure, for example, a cat.

How to make an origami cat
How to make an origami cat


Step 1

Fold and unfold a square piece of paper diagonally. Fold in the corners adjacent to the diagonal line by 1-2 cm.

Step 2

Fold the sheet in half along another diagonal line. Mark with a pencil or eye points along the outermost quarters and eighths of the diagonal line. On adjacent segments, mark the lines for the middle and outermost quarter. Connect them by folding the paper or drawing lines with a pencil. You should get two triangles on the right and left, one inside the other.

Step 3

Bend the side corners inward along the lines of the larger triangles, then bend outwards along the lines of the smaller ones. The result should be triangular ears.

Step 4

Color the cat's face, glue eyes made of paper or buttons, cheeks made of cotton wool and a mustache made of elastic fishing line.
