An original bracelet can be made from anything, for example, from pieces of metal or plastic tubes. The bracelet making process is very simple and the finished product will look very impressive.

To make a bracelet, you can take pieces of tubes from any material, as well as beads (the exact amount of material depends on the size of the beads and the desired length of the finished product). In addition, you will need a thread or lace of suitable thickness and a small bead or button for fastening (if the lace is thick, then the button is not needed).
1. Fold the lace in half and tie it in a knot so that the resulting loop is the right size for the future fastening of the bracelet.

Measure your wrist before work. As a result of the work, you should receive a bracelet not less than the length of the wrist + 2 cm.
2. Pass the free end of the lace through the tube, the second - also through it, only towards the first (see photo below).
3. String the required number of beads, proceeding as described in the previous paragraph - through each bottom of them both ends of the cord should pass towards each other. After all the beads are assembled on a string, secure them with a knot. Tie the free ends of the cord into a voluminous knot or hang a beautiful button on them.
It is interesting that in this way you can make a bracelet from almost any bead, both in shape and size. For example, try using larger beads for the center of the bracelet and smaller beads for the edges.