How To Learn To Accompany

How To Learn To Accompany
How To Learn To Accompany

Table of contents:


A person who knows how to sing well and play along with himself on any musical instrument is a welcome guest in any company. At the same time, it is not at all a fact that a graduate of a music school, having learned to play classical music by sheet music, will be able to accompany a popular song. The art of accompaniment must be mastered separately.

How to learn to accompany
How to learn to accompany

It is necessary

  • - guitar;
  • - determinant of chords;
  • - digital and tablatures;
  • - capo;
  • - metronome;
  • - player;
  • - recordings of songs.


Step 1

Start by listening to the recording and determining the size. There are a lot of time signatures, but first of all you need to determine the number of strong and weak beats in each measure. Basic conducting skills can be very helpful. With a bipartite size, the right hand goes to the strong beat from left to right and slightly down, to the weak - back. The hand describes a triangle for three lobes, while the strong one always goes down and slightly to the left. If there are four shares, a right angle is obtained. The hand first goes vertically down, then horizontally to the right, then returns in two steps.

Step 2

Learn Latin notation for sounds and chords. Cyrillic in digital and tablatures is used extremely rarely, almost exclusively in old editions. Remember that in Western and Russian musical literature one of the sounds is designated differently. Latin B in Western digitization is B, and in the Russian tradition - B flat. Pure si is denoted in this case by the letter H. Nowadays, many Russian musicians are switching to the Western tradition, therefore, in cases where this symbol is found in digital, you need to be very careful.

Step 3

At the initial stage, it is more convenient to learn to accompany on digital keys and tablatures. Better to have both. By digitization, you can determine in what place one chord is replaced by another; by tablature, you can place your fingers correctly. Learn to confidently play all the chords specified in digital. You don't need to sing at this stage. It is important for you to master the correct position of the fingers and their quick rearrangement.

Step 4

Think about how your right hand will move. At first, it is more convenient to play with brute force, then you can start to master different types of combat. In the simplest busting, the thumb hits one of the bass strings with a downbeat, while the others play an upward or downward arpeggio. A chord on thin or medium strings is also possible. Bass to a strong beat, and in this case, is taken with the thumb. Decide which option works best for your particular piece of music. Exercise until you stop thinking about your right hand.

Step 5

Try to play as many measures as you want in the rhythm you want. Use a metronome. It can be either ordinary or built into any guitar program, and even work online.

Step 6

Sing the melody without accompaniment, imagining where your hands are on the guitar and when the position of your fingers changes. Accompany yourself. Play at a slow pace. If you didn't manage to change the chord on the fly, don't stop. At the end of the exercise, return to difficult areas and practice the transitions. Repeat the exercise, gradually increasing the pace.

Step 7

On the guitar, each chord can be played in several ways. In addition, there are triads inversions, that is, the main sound is carried up. This is not always indicated in digital codes. Learn to play basic chords in different positions.

Step 8

It is possible that a piece of music you like will be uncomfortable for you. For example, some passages are so high that you cannot sing them. Learn to transpose. Choose a key that is comfortable. All chords in the accompaniment sound in sequence. In a different key, a certain chord will correspond to each of them. Some guitar programs have chord progressions, such as Guitar Pro.

Step 9

With an inconvenient tessiture, there is another way out - to use a capo. This is the clip that you place on the bar. It can be extremely useful until you learn to play in different keys. The fretboard is clamped at the desired fret, and chords are played in the easiest position.
