In 2018, Capricorns will experience a lot of positive emotions. The stars promise the representatives of the element Earth a surge of activity, the opportunity to translate their ideas into reality. A thoughtful attitude to business will help Capricorns not to waste energy in vain, but to direct it to solving important problems.

About love
Capricorn is a very practical zodiac sign that is not in the mood for romance, but 2018 will change everything. Representatives of the element Earth will become affectionate, able to surprise.
Capricorns who have a family will decide to add new colors to their relationship.
Free representatives of the sign under discussion in 2018 will have the opportunity to enjoy vivid emotions and romantic adventures. Capricorns will plunge into relationships so much, enjoying it, that they will even forget about work a little.
In the summer, relations with a partner in Capricorns will become tense, since the representatives of this sign consider it low to change, then they will take the only correct, in their opinion, decision - to leave.
Autumn will be the most romantic time for Capricorns. Family people will begin to show attention to their partners, and free people will actively flirt.
About work
In 2018, Capricorns will stop taking work seriously, realizing that building a career is not the most important joy in life.
In 2018, Capricorns will have new acquaintances, there will be many meetings with friends, trips and adventures. Representatives of this sign can easily put off work for the sake of rest.
In the year of the Dog, the representatives of the Earth element are not expected to do any hard work. Problems at work should not be expected. Capricorn in 2018 will have a lot of rest and fun, but the career will not suffer, and the problems that arise will be solved easily.
About health
In 2018, Capricorns will not have to complain about their health, it will be great. To maintain vitality, it is recommended to do jogging, fitness or any other physical activity. In the autumn-winter period, the risk of catching the virus is minimal.
The Capricorn horoscope for 2018 pleases. Many interesting acquaintances, travels, meetings await the representatives of this sign. But you shouldn't forget about work. By finding the optimal balance of work and rest, you will succeed.