Many people are fond of fortune telling. Some look into the future regularly, using tarot cards, runes, tea leaves or coffee grounds, while others read fortunes on Christmas Eve or Ivan Kupala. However, a correctly performed ceremony will not be enough, you still need to be able to interpret the results of fortune-telling.

Step 1
Do not expect the spirit world to communicate clearly and precisely what the future holds for you. In the overwhelming majority of fortune-telling, the results are veiled, and you need to try to get to the bottom of it.
Step 2
Many fortune-telling have their own clear rules for their interpretation. For example, if the wreath, lowered into the water on Ivan Kupala, unraveled - this year the girl will not get married, if the fortuneteller pulled out a golden ring from the set of rings - she will have abundance in her life, if the needle suspended on a thread makes circular movements - the first child the fortuneteller will have a girl.
Step 3
In some fortune-telling, the explanation of the results is so complex that specialists create websites and publish books on this topic. They indicate the possible results of fortune-telling and their interpretation, as well as the interpretation of various combinations. There are guides that help to read the runes, tarot cards, and the hand.
Step 4
For example, if you are reading the runes using the standard three-rune layout, it is best for you to use a reference book when interpreting the result, which describes the meanings of not only each rune individually, but also their combinations. For example, you got nautiz, yero and raido. First, look to see if the runes are upright or upside down. An inverted rune found in combination with a yero indicates that you need to pay off debts (whether to return money to your friends or apologize for a misdemeanor - you know better). Raido means travel. Moreover, it can be either a fun trip with friends, or a spiritual pilgrimage, as a result of which enlightenment will come. Start from the question posed to the runes and use your intuition to understand what awaits you: a trip with friends after you give the thousand rubles you borrowed, or spiritual enlightenment after you atone for the wrongs you have caused.
Step 5
The explanation of fortune-telling also depends on the personal associations of the fortuneteller. Moreover, many fortune-tellers consider associations to be almost the main one in the interpretation of the results. For example, for one person, a snake can mean death, for another - wisdom, for a third - treatment. Therefore, after you have read fortunes and received the results, first of all think about what they personally associate with you.
Step 6
Unfortunately, it happens that the result of fortune-telling cannot be explained in any way. The wax figures come out abstract and fuzzy, you pull out an empty rune from the bag, and your intuition is silent like a partisan when you try to understand what it means. In this case, it is better to postpone attempts to explain your fate. You may not need to reveal this secret. Better to postpone the fortune-telling and try to ask the same question in a few days.