How To Understand That I Was Cursed

How To Understand That I Was Cursed
How To Understand That I Was Cursed

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Sometimes in life everything goes wrong - problems begin literally on all fronts. Many people in situations like this start to worry if they are under a curse. Fortunately, this can be found out in several fairly simple ways.


Step 1

Go to church, buy a large wax candle there. Being alone, preferably in the evening, break it in several places and melt in a ladle over low heat, remove the wick. Place a large dish of clean water on the table, sit in front of it, and very gently pour the melted wax into the water. See how the wax is frozen in water, if its surface is smooth, then there is no curse on you. Various small bumps and irregularities indicate the presence of the evil eye. If the hardened wax is completely uneven in shape, with sharp corners, then a curse is on you.

Step 2

For the second method, you will need a church candle again. Read any prayer and light a candle, slowly move it along the body and watch the flame. If the candle will crackle loudly and smoke, and wax will flow from it in large drops, most likely, a curse has been imposed on you. Please note that this test should be carried out in a draft-free room so as not to mistake the usual vibrations of the light under the air currents as a sign of curse.

Step 3

The third method uses holy water. Pour it into a shallow dish, then pick up three regular matches and start burning them one by one, hold the matches in your hands for as long as you can, while trying to focus on the flame. Then throw the remnants of the matches into the water, if they float to the surface, then there is no curse on you, if they immediately drown, then, alas, it is present.

Step 4

For the fourth method, you need a clear glass, clean water, and a raw egg. Eggs are often used in magic rituals, as they are a symbol of the birth of all living things. Break a raw egg into a glass of clean water, it is very important not to damage the yolk. Then take the glass with your left hand and lift it above your head, draw small, even circles for five minutes. Then look at the state of the protein, if it remains transparent, then everything is in order with you, but if they began to curl up and white threads appeared in it, then a curse lies on you.

Step 5

To get a more accurate result, use several methods to determine the curse. If at least two tests have shown its presence, you need to remove this curse. The easiest way to do this is through prayer and church attendance. If this method confuses you, contact a proven psychic, it is best to look for him through friends, so there is less chance of "running into" a charlatan.
