How To Read An Aura

How To Read An Aura
How To Read An Aura

Table of contents:


Aura is a special information field, a kind of radiation emanating from people and carrying in itself special, individual information about the state of the entire human body. Nowadays, the number of people who want to see the aura and learn how to work with it is growing. But simply by straining your attention and gazing intently at the figures of passers-by, you will not achieve success. A series of exercises must be used to teach vision.

How to read an aura
How to read an aura


Step 1

So relax and focus at the same time. In a soft, dim light, place a book with a blue or pink cover in front of you.

Step 2

Consider the book with concentration, but without straining. At first, you will see a milky white glow. This is the first step.

Step 3

Continue. A yellow or green aura will gradually emerge from the white light. Congratulate yourself - this is your first real achievement. Now you can rest your eyes.

Step 4

Next, select books of different colors and observe their auras. Record your results in a pre-run diary.

Step 5

After that, you can gradually move on to living things. Take a plant for study and follow the glow of the leaves and trunk - they should have an orange tint. The main result should be your discrimination of flickering light of varying intensity, which will indicate the strength and vital resources of plants.

Step 6

The next in line will be animals, study them. It is optimal to observe them when they are resting or sleeping. Do not forget to enter the results in your diary.

Step 7

And the last step before serious work on auras is to study yourself. Observe in the sun or against the sky, for example, stretching out your hand. Or, while lying down, examine your legs. Remember that the inspection area must not be covered with clothing.

Step 8

Enter the research results in your diary and re-read it, draw conclusions, trace the evolution of your successes. When you feel that you are already strong enough, you can go to the study of people.

Step 9

The first thing you should see is a pale haze around the skin. Looking closely, as with plants, you will find a shimmer of life. The width can be different: from a few centimeters to a meter. The brightness and volume of the seen aura depends on the physical and mental well-being of the person. Now congratulate yourself again: you have learned the basic skills, and then you just have to grow further.
