How To Make Flowers From Dough

How To Make Flowers From Dough
How To Make Flowers From Dough

Table of contents:


Salted dough crafts provide an excellent opportunity to decorate a room without requiring high costs. In addition, dough sculpting will not only decorate the apartment, but also have an interesting time. Try sculpting some flowers and see how fun this hobby can be.

How to make flowers from dough
How to make flowers from dough

It is necessary

  • - 200 g flour;
  • - 200 g of salt;
  • - 100 g of starch;
  • - water;
  • - paints;
  • - sunflower seeds;
  • - varnish.


Step 1

Make a salty dough. To do this, take flour, salt, potato starch and water. Stir in the salt and flour and gradually pour in the water. Take water by eye, since different types of flour require different amounts of liquid. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Sprinkle flour and dough on the board. Cut off several small pieces of petal dough, one long strip for the stem (if you plan on making one), and a round piece for the base of the flower.

Step 2

Decide what kind of flower you want to make. Try sculpting a sunflower, for example. Roll the stem for the flower from the long strip you prepared. Attach the base on top. Now gently hook the petals to the base. If desired, leaves made from thin strips can be attached to the stem.

Step 3

Dry the product before painting it. You can do this in natural conditions, but it will take a long time, about 2 days. But you can speed up the process by drying the flower in the oven. Place the product in the oven for 2 hours, baking the flower over medium heat.

Step 4

It remains to paint the flower and decorate it. Use gouache, watercolor or acrylic for painting. Color the stem green, the petals yellow, and the base black. Now decorate the middle of the flower with sunflower seeds. Insert the seeds, pressing firmly against each other to give the most resemblance to a real sunflower. It is not necessary to decorate the base with seeds, but this will add volume to the flower. To preserve the product for a long time, cover it with varnish after the paint has completely dried.

Step 5

The execution of a sunflower is given as an example. Salted dough can be made into many colors. For most crafts, you need to roll the dough pieces into balls and stretch to the desired shape.
