How To Learn To Draw A Still Life

How To Learn To Draw A Still Life
How To Learn To Draw A Still Life

Table of contents:


Still life is one of the most "mouth-watering" types of painting. Of course, only an experienced painter can draw a full-scale still life with many objects, but a novice artist can draw, say, a banana.

How to learn to draw a still life
How to learn to draw a still life

It is necessary

  • - paper for oil;
  • - brush No. 4;
  • - palette knife No. 17 and No. 12;
  • - oil paints in three colors: black, whitewash and cadmium yellow;
  • - thinner.


Step 1

Draw the outlines of the banana. First, the darkest areas of the still life are applied, as well as the shadow of the fruit and its shadow side. To do this, first of all, take black paint with a palette knife and gently apply it from the fruit to the edges of the sheet of paper. If it doesn't work out neatly, it's okay - you will learn pretty quickly. Watch the thickness of the paint. If it is very thick, dilute it with linseed oil.

Step 2

Now mix black with cadmium yellow and apply the darkest parts of the banana. Then add a little more yellow paint and paint over the bottom of the shadow side, which should be much lighter.

Step 3

Next, paint over the lighted part of the fruit. To do this, use pure yellow cadmium. Practice carefully applying paint with a palette knife and do not be afraid to make mistakes. You can always remove excess paint with the same palette knife, and then try again.

Step 4

Add a little black to the yellow paint to achieve a greenish tint. Now paint over the darkest areas of the lighted side with this mixture.

Step 5

Now we need to work with the banana tail. Use the same stretch as for the fruit itself. Add some white to cadmium yellow and apply to the lightest areas of the banana.

Step 6

Next comes the work with the background. To do this, you can mix black and whitewash, painting over the background with the resulting color and adding cadmium yellow here and there. This is necessary in order to give the picture harmony. Otherwise, you will end up with the banana as if separate from the background.

Step 7

Add some highlights on the fruit by mixing white and cadmium yellow in the right proportion. Apply the banana reflex on the background. To do this, dip the edge of the palette knife in light yellow and mark the reflex with light strokes. Spread the paint with a palette knife.

Step 8

Finally, you can add texture to the picture. Make a banana brush with the tip of a palette knife, and also draw a strip along the "body" of the fruit. At this, the still life can be considered complete.
