How To Knit Models In

How To Knit Models In
How To Knit Models In

Table of contents:


Knitting magazines and books are published every year and in huge numbers. Many interesting models can be found on the Internet, both on specialized sites and on social networks. The desire to knit exactly the same blouse or a dress designed as if specially for a daughter is sometimes simply irresistible. So that the result of the work does not disappoint, you need to follow several rules.

How to knit a model
How to knit a model

It is necessary

  • - knitting books and magazines;
  • - yarn, the quantity and quality of which correspond to the description;
  • - knitting needles for the thickness of the yarn;
  • - tape measure;
  • - graph paper;
  • - Ruler and pencil.


Step 1

Please select a model. Consider a photo or drawing. Pay attention to what is accompanying the image. The job description can be either complete or partial. The full description includes a pattern of a pattern, a pattern, a sequence of work. This option is most often found in beginner publications or if the execution of the model requires increased attention. The abbreviated description is much more common. It can include a pattern and pattern, the main stages of the model, etc. Assess what you have.

Step 2

Make a pattern, but first look at what size the model is designed for and compare it with yours. The pattern may need to be reduced or enlarged. First, draw a piece according to the dimensions given in the description of the model, then check the dimensions with your own and adjust the pattern. Maybe you won't need it.

Step 3

Read what yarn the author of the model used and how much. Find the exact same one in the store. Remember that even threads of the same thickness in the finished product behave differently. Even a model knitted in exact accordance with the original, when worn, may not look much like the original. Therefore, if a certain type of thread is indicated, choose it in the store.

Step 4

When performing any work, a lot depends on the tool, so be very careful about the choice of knitting needles. Take the ones indicated in the model description. If it says that you will need two or even three sets (for example, for the main canvas, elastic bands and sleeves), do not think that you can do with one. Most often, the elastic is knitted on thinner knitting needles than the rest of the product, and a set of five knitting needles may be required for the collar.

Step 5

Pay attention to the fittings used by the author of the model. Pick up exactly the same one. The appearance of the product largely depends on the buttons, buckles and buttons.

Step 6

Analyze the pattern. Become familiar with the conventions that apply in this publication. As a rule, they are indicated at the beginning or at the end. For the most part, craftsmen use standard designations, but sometimes original conventional icons are also found. Pay attention to how even and odd rows are knitted. The scheme usually indicates whether they are performed with front or purl loops or according to the pattern.

Step 7

Diagrams of the most common patterns in books are usually not given. It is simply indicated that the bottom and cuffs are made with 1x1 elastic, patent, double, etc., and the main fabric - hosiery or garter stitch. Remember the names of the simplest drawings.

Step 8

Tie swatches of all patterns used in this model. Pay attention to the technology of their subsequent processing. Usually, smooth patterns are steamed after completing the details, but embossed ones are not. It is important for you to know how the patterns fit together and how they behave at the junctions. You can knit a small strip, the beginning of which will be made, for example, with an elastic band, and the second part with the main pattern. Perform each pattern with the knitting needles indicated in the description.

Step 9

Make the necessary calculations. Count how many stitches and rows are there per 1cm horizontally or vertically. Also determine the number of stitches to be pulled down when knitting armholes, cutouts, etc. Write down the results.

Step 10

Link model elements. Complete all stages of technological processing of parts that are given in the description. If you need to steam the garment, pin the related pieces to the pattern and only then steam through a cotton cloth. This will prevent the parts from stretching.

Step 11

Connect the parts. If no seam is specified, you can sew or knit or crochet the pieces. It is important to ensure that the seam is neat and not visible on the front side, unless it is decorative. If the method of joining parts is indicated, use it, as well as the finishes.
