How To Make A Craft From Cereals And Seeds

How To Make A Craft From Cereals And Seeds
How To Make A Craft From Cereals And Seeds

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Interior decor elements, drawings and volumetric crafts - all this can be done very quickly and easily using improvised cereals and seeds. The advantage of this simple material is undeniable, since any person, even those who do not have outstanding talents, can make crafts from cereals and seeds.


It is necessary

Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, paper, pen, plasticine, glue, semolina, buckwheat, rice, gouache, bottle, decorative elements


Step 1

The simplest version of crafts made from these materials is drawings from cereals. The material adheres well, and the texture of the different croup helps the child to develop fine motor skills. In addition, cereals can be combined by color. If you do not have enough flowers, the source material can always be painted with gouache. Semolina and rice lend themselves well to coloring.


Step 2

You need to start by preparing the drawing itself. It can be a painting, a cartoon character, and much more. You can draw a picture yourself with pencils or just print the desired picture on a printer.

Step 3

You need to fill in the picture in stages. First, grease one part of the drawing with glue and cover it with cereals that are suitable in color or texture. Remove excess groats and everything that has gone beyond the contours of the part from the drawing. After that, start working with other parts.

Step 4

In the described technique, you can work with other materials, for example, sunflower seeds. Print out a picture with a hedgehog. Fill all the details, except for the needles with other cereals, and make the needles from seeds. To do this, glue them with the sharp ends up. Lay the seeds themselves in one direction. After the glue is completely dry, your child can play with this pattern, stringing mushrooms, apples and plasticine leaves on the hedgehog's needles.


Step 5

Making voluminous crafts from seeds with your own hands is also very simple. For example, to make a Christmas tree, you will need pumpkin seeds, plasticine, a lid and a pen case. The base of the craft will be the cover. It must be filled with plasticine and inserted into it vertically from the handle. After that, the case itself needs to be glued with plasticine. As a result, you should get a cone. Pumpkin seeds need to be inserted into the cone from below. Insert them in tiers all the way to the top. To imitate the earth at the base of the craft, you can pour buckwheat and press it a little.


Step 6

Crafts can be done not only for children. Bright decorative vessels that decorate the interior of the kitchen or rooms look good. To create such a craft, you will need a transparent bottle. The more interesting the bottle shape is, the more original the craft will be. You have to fill it with cereals or seeds. Before doing this, dry the bottle thoroughly, otherwise the contents will become moldy. Cover the selected materials in layers, experiment with their combinations, achieving the effect you want. You can also use one cereal, for example, semolina, painting it in different colors. You can additionally decorate the neck of the bottle at the end of the work. As a decoration, you can use paper ornaments, shells, twine, twigs, flowers, and more.
