This simple soft toy is a great option for joint creativity with children. Moreover, this toy can be useful in the cold season.

many multi-colored socks. Try to choose socks that are the same width to make your job easier. Also find sewing thread, two buttons or beads, a piece of red ribbon or a piece of red cloth, stuffing material for toys.
if you do not want to buy special material for stuffing toys, use cotton wool, synthetic winterizer from an old pillow).
1. After you have selected a sufficient number of socks of the same width, cut off the heels and socks from them. You should only have the straight, patterned parts.
2. Sew the cylinders you got from the socks in step 1 into one large tube.

3. Sew one side of the pipe (this will be the tail of the snake). Fill the snake with padding.
4. Before sewing the head, sew on the buttons-eyes and a piece of ribbon-tongue. Cut the ends of the ribbon to more accurately depict the forked tongue of the snake.
If you do not find socks of the same width, sew the widest ones before sewing, otherwise your snake will make a strange impression.
How to use such a snake? The most obvious way is to fasten its rings (with inconspicuous stitches on the bottom) so that you get a round pillow. It can be used as a pillow or seat cushion for a chair. Another option is suitable for those who are too lazy to glue a balcony or window (and there is no money to repair a balcony door or an old window). Just place the snake near the door, on the floor or on the window sill, and it will protect you from strong drafts in the fall and winter.