Emma Watson's Husband: Photo

Emma Watson's Husband: Photo
Emma Watson's Husband: Photo

The burden of fame fell on actress Emma Watson at the age of 9, when she was approved for the role of Hermione Granger in the adaptation of the Harry Potter novels. As soon as the young star grew up, a genuine interest in her personal life was added to the discussion of her success and work in films. However, Emma turned out to be an extremely secretive girl, so in this matter, fans have to be content with rumors and rare shots of her guys made by the paparazzi.

Emma Watson's husband: photo
Emma Watson's husband: photo

First hobbies

In 2020, Emma will celebrate her 30th birthday, but she is in no hurry to start a family and children. Early fame brought the actress a colossal fortune that would allow her to live comfortably without working a day. And although she never had the desire to sacrifice real life for a film career, Watson continues to appear on the big screen. However, she deliberately abandoned the busy shooting schedule, which the acting profession promised her, and preferred to receive a quality education.


Emma's personal life is also not so simple. She once complained in an interview that the tabloids ascribe to her a romantic relationship with literally every man who accidentally or deliberately happens to be around. “So it looks like I had about 6,000 guys,” the actress joked. But since she does not want to bring at least some clarity to the conjectures of journalists, the girl counted 12 likely boyfriends.


However, Watson herself told the world about her first childhood love. On the set of Harry Potter, her heart was captured by her colleague Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy. At the age of 10-12, Emma was truly fascinated by him, but her feelings were not reciprocated. The young actor treated Watson like a younger sister. However, having recovered from unrequited love, the girl was able to build strong friendships with Tom, which continue to this day.

The first novel of the actress, declassified by journalists, dates back to 2006. Rugby player Tom Ducker became her chosen one. The young people met for about a year and parted on the initiative of Emma, as she wanted to devote more time to her studies.

After high school, Watson honed her acting skills in summer courses at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London. Here she met Australian student Angus Willoughby. During the holidays, the lovers planned to make a trip to the homeland of the young man. Meanwhile, Emma was actively choosing a suitable college to continue her education. Journalists missed the moment when the couple broke off relations.


In 2008, Watson was spotted in the company of Francis Bowl, the son of the owner of a famous jewelry company. They were rushed to ascribe the novel, but the young man dispelled these rumors. According to him, the strong mutual sympathy did not develop into something more, because Francis did not want to become famous through his relationship with a popular actress. He intends to achieve everything himself, and with Emma has maintained friendly relations.


However, the young actress was not bored alone. In 2008-2009, she met with British financier Jay Barrymore, who was 7 years older than the girl. Their romance came to naught when Watson left the UK to continue her studies at Brown University in the United States. As a result, the couple's feelings were not tested by distance.


After another break, Emma found solace in the arms of a fellow student from Spain, Rafael Cebrian. The young man played in the student theater troupe of the university and even managed to convince his beloved to take part in the play "Three Sisters". The couple was later spotted at a hockey game in New York, where they did not take enthusiastic looks from each other. According to rumors, this romance lasted six months.


In the summer of 2010, the actress collaborated with the Burberry fashion brand. She had just finished her first year at university and returned to her homeland. On the set for an advertising campaign, Emma met model George Craig. They were then photographed while attending a performance in the West End. George, in addition to modeling, was the vocalist in the indie band One Night Only. Watson supported the creativity of her new boyfriend and starred with him in the video for the song Say You Don’t Want It. In addition, the couple attended the Glastonbury Music Festival.


Another romantic infatuation of Emma was declassified by the paparazzi in the summer of 2011. The actress reciprocated Johnny Simmons, whom she met on the set of the movie "It's Good to Be Quiet". The couple was caught kissing on the street. However, they parted ways when Watson wanted to return to the UK and continue her studies at Worcester College, Oxford University.

Finding the perfect man


At Oxford, Emma continued her search for the perfect man. This time, her choice fell on fellow student Will Adamovich. The actress carefully concealed the new relationship, but in April 2012 the couple was photographed at the Coachella music festival, and the girl was not at all happy about this attention. In an interview, she complained that she could not attend even large and crowded events without publicity.


In early 2014, a representative of the actress confirmed information about her separation from Adamovich. According to him, Emma's next romance ended in the summer of 2013. She spent New Year's holidays in 2014 in the company of a new boyfriend. It was another Oxford student and the star of the varsity rugby team, Matthew Jenny. In the company of a tall, athletic handsome man, Watson rested on the Caribbean Sea. But this candidate did not stay long in her life: after 10 months, their romance ended.


The next choice of Emma was the actor Roberto Agire, with whom they worked in the film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." Apparently, this romance was fleeting, since the couple was only seen a few times together.


In October 2015, Watson was spotted on the Broadway musical Hamilton, accompanied by William McKnight. Like Emma, he graduated from Brown University and worked for a Silicon Valley company. The new chosen one was 10 years older than the actress. However, this fact did not prevent the couple from staying together for two years. Journalists never got any comments from her about the affair with McKnight.


The last boyfriend with whom Emma was spotted is the actor of the popular TV series "Chorus" Accord Overstreet. They were seen several times together in early 2018, but in the fall, the girl was having fun with businessman Brendan Wallace. Since the actress actively supports the feminist movement, fans are wondering if she will ever be able to find her ideal man or will prefer the free life of a self-sufficient woman.
