What Zodiac Sign Suits Virgo?

What Zodiac Sign Suits Virgo?
What Zodiac Sign Suits Virgo?

Virgo is the zodiac sign of the Earth element. Therefore, Virgos stand firmly and confidently on their feet, they always keep their word, take their responsibilities responsibly. And in love they are capable of strong feelings even without reciprocity. Virgos make wonderful parents, loving and moderately strict. Their main problem is external stiffness. This greatly interferes with love relationships and sometimes even leads to loneliness.

What zodiac sign suits Virgo?
What zodiac sign suits Virgo?

Love is not calculable and not subject to desires. As you know, marriages take place in heaven, and at first glance people who are completely incompatible are united for life. Nevertheless, there are some patterns of attraction between representatives of certain signs of the zodiac. And it is better to look for your chosen one in a narrower and more favorable range. Then the result will be more predictable and faster.

Union of two Virgins - the fisherman sees the fisherman from afar

Two pragmatists will always be able to agree with each other if they look in the same direction through life. They are well aware of the weak and strong qualities of their sign, so there is no need to be secretive and mislead a partner. And if it is necessary to hide something, Virgo, like no other sign, will do it without blinking an eye or losing face even at the most difficult and delicate moment. A cozy home, a strong desire to give positive emotions to your environment and smooth out conflicts, constant work on relationships and a sense of responsibility will make the marriage strong and durable.

Virgo and Cancer - the perfect marriage

This union can be called, probably, ideal and suitable for marriage. Here, two complex and closed signs simply, as they say, found each other. Virgo in this union fully realizes her desire to patronize, teach, help. She will gladly exude positive emotions and cheer up the always doubting and a little gloomy Cancer, prone to mood swings and unreasonable resentments.

Cancer, for its part, will try to deepen the attachment, which is bound to strengthen the relationship. In addition, Cancers are very homely and economic, always ready to take on the burden of household chores, allowing Virgos to express themselves in the public arena or in the intellectual profession. Even if Cancer is a man.

The Cancer husband can agree to sit with the child on maternity leave, allowing the Virgo wife to provide for the family, if the situation so requires.

Virgo and Gemini - the battle of the intellects

These two signs, under the auspices of Mercury, can get along well with each other. True, this union can not be called passionate. That Virgo, that Gemini are more prone to intellectual games than love pleasures. But this is precisely what can bring them closer together - after all, no one will be offended.

The main thing is that Virgo pacifies her desire to command all the time and approach Gemini's quirks more loyally. After all, the latter will never trade his love of freedom and independence for a cozy nest under the wing of a caring but dominant Virgin. To maintain balance and maintain a relationship, both partners will have to find compromises.

A marriage for Virgo with Gemini can turn into many tears and disappointment from unfulfilled hopes.

Virgo and Scorpio - amorous affairs

Here feelings flare up with great fire. Love, sex, passion. If a community of interests is added to this, then this is a happy marriage for many, many years. Virgo's independence and at the same time self-sacrifice go well with Scorpio's selfishness, so these signs complement each other perfectly.
