Why Do Lice Dream

Why Do Lice Dream
Why Do Lice Dream

If in a dream a person sees lice jumping and biting in his hair, then in reality this means some kind of negative. However, this "dark kingdom" also has its own "ray of light". For example, some dream books interpret such pictures as making a monetary profit. There are other interpretations of "lousy" dreams.

Lice can dream of both money and disease
Lice can dream of both money and disease

Why do lice dream about Tsvetkov's dream book?

Evgeny Tsvetkov gives an ambiguous interpretation of such dreams. For example, if a person just sees parasites, then in reality he will receive monetary compensation for certain costs. If the dreamer observes how lice swarm in the hair of a stranger, then tremendous success in business is coming.

Seeing lice larvae in a dream is a bad change in life. In this case, the dreamer will need to revise and analyze the events of the current reality. Perhaps he relies on some unverified data, on false information. Life mistakes are not excluded.

Modern dream book. Lice in a dream are a source of anxiety and failure. Biting lice are attacks on the dreamer from his ill-wishers. If in a dream you manage to cope with parasites, in reality you will be able to get rid of the negativity.

Killing lice in a dream is a frivolous waste of money. You can lose all chances of making good money. The financial outlook will be blurry.

Lice according to Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller in his dream book speaks of lice not very pleasantly. According to him, such dreams promise some kind of loss and misfortune. If a person sees a louse on his hair, problems with his health are coming.

If the dreamer sees lice (and not fleas) on his pets, this portends hunger. If lice crawl over the dreamer, then in reality there is not entirely correct behavior on the part of the people around him. Moreover, real enemies can launch an active offensive in order to undermine the reputation of the master of the dream.

The overwhelming majority of dream books speak negatively about "lousy" dreams. Basically, blood-sucking parasites dream of emotional experiences, loss of material values, problems and ailments.

Aesop's dream book

Here lice are considered a sign of a person's uncleanliness. Moreover, according to Aesop's dream book, lice are contemptible ridicule from others. To remove blood-sucking parasites from oneself - to engage in useless deeds, to perform "Sisyphus labor."

If lice larvae (nits) dream, then in reality the dreamer may be surrounded by hypocrites. But to feel the bite of nits or blood-sucking parasites - for money! Monetary gains are also promised by giant lice, who dreamed of on the night of Thursday to Friday.

What do lice mean in a family dream book?

They mean sorrow and misfortune. If the dreamer tries to catch lice, a dangerous ailment, a serious illness is coming. If lice bite in a dream, in reality all control over this or that situation will be lost.
