The Series "Lie To Me"

The Series "Lie To Me"
The Series "Lie To Me"

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The American TV series Lie to Me, released in 2009, has become almost a cult in a short time. The audience enthusiastically reacted to his story, which tells about specialists investigating various crimes by studying the "language" of the face and body of suspects.


Plot description

The main character of the TV series "Lie to Me" Dr. Cal Lightman does not trust absolutely anyone - he knows too well when people lie, and they lie very often. Any careless word, gesture or movement is enough for Laitman to recognize a liar in a person. He easily analyzes facial expressions, speech, voice intonation, eyebrow position, perceiving body signals as a high-quality lie detector. Thanks to this, Lightman can understand what feelings possess a person, which is very important in his work for the FBI, police and government agencies.

According to statistics, the average person speaks a lie about three times in ten minutes of dialogue.

Since it is the task of Dr. Lightman and his assistants to detect deception, they can acquit or accuse the person suspected of a crime. However, for Cal himself, his unique talent is not so much a gift as a curse - after all, he can convict even his loved one in a lie, which clearly will not contribute to good personal relationships. After all, not everyone wants to live with a professional who knows absolutely everything about his partner.

Character story

Dr. Cal Lightman has a real prototype in the person of the professor of psychology at the University of California - Paul Ekman, who consulted actor Tim Roth throughout the series. Ekman has studied the theory of deception for over thirty years and today he is considered the world's leading expert in this field.

The services of Paul Ekman resort to executives, entrepreneurs, prominent politicians, as well as security services and research institutes.

Professor Ekman has written fourteen books in his life, the most famous of which is The Psychology of Lies. It describes how to detect lies through voice changes, micro-body expressions, rapid breathing, blushing, sweating, and many other signs that a person feels discomfort during a conversation, which speaks of his anxiety. Some stories from the psychiatric practice of Paul Ekman were used by the creators of "Lie to Me" in the series - for example, the story of the suicide of the protagonist's mother, which happened in reality and was the reason for the start of Ekman's research. Today, the professor runs his small company, Paul Ekman Group, which develops devices that teach how to identify micro-expressions and human emotions.
