How To Embed Movies Into A Presentation

How To Embed Movies Into A Presentation
How To Embed Movies Into A Presentation

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Often, at the presentation of a product or service, it is required to visually show something in action. For this, the presentation can be accompanied by a video sequence. There are several requirements for using films in presentations.

How to embed movies into a presentation
How to embed movies into a presentation


Step 1

The video in the presentation will make it bright, lively and memorable. So you can quickly and easily show the advantages of your product over a competitive one, show the product in action or the subtleties of its production that distinguish it from other market offers.

Step 2

Psychologists say that the beginning and the end of a speech are best remembered. Using a video sequence at the beginning is not entirely justified - listeners may simply not understand what and for what purpose you are showing. It is bad manners to insert two or more video files into a presentation, as it takes too much time from people. In addition, they could familiarize themselves with such a presentation on their own, your presence is not at all necessary. With all this in mind, insert one short video into your presentation, near the end - this will be an excellent confirmation of your words and will revive the audience loaded with new information.

Step 3

Your video should not repeat what you just said. The video series is a continuation or replacement of one of the theoretical points of your presentation. Even if the shot is good and colorful, but the information will be repeated, people will lose interest in it. Think carefully about the plot of your video, remove unnecessary fragments and words from it using video processing programs.

Step 4

Save the finished video to your presentation folder. It itself, by the way, can be done in Microsoft PowerPoint. When you reach the desired slide, select the "Create Slide" tab. Icons appear in the main field. Select the most recent one, "Insert Clip from Collection". In the newly opened window, you will need to register the path to your saved video file.

Step 5

Find it and insert it into your presentation. The program will prompt you to choose whether to play the movie on slide show automatically or on click. If your speech is carefully rehearsed and verified by the clock, then on each slide you can put a delay equal to the time you need to read the text. Then the presentation can be started automatically. If you are not sure how long it will take you to clarify a topic or there are questions from the audience during your presentation, it is better to put "Start on click".

Step 6

The program provides a tab "Working with films", which will allow you to apply additional settings - set the height and width of the frame, or make it open in full screen at the presentation. On top of the video series, right here you can superimpose soundtrack and even text.
