How To Make A Flame

How To Make A Flame
How To Make A Flame

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Fire is one of those phenomena that can be watched endlessly. Indeed, the observation of a burning candle is sometimes fascinating, because the flame never burns equally evenly, from light vibrations of the air it wriggles, goes out and flares up again. Now we will tell you how you can make the flame of candles multi-colored and make the candles, in addition to the flame, "exude" pleasant smells.

How to make a flame
How to make a flame


Step 1

There are three safe ways to color the flame. Soaking the wick in a concentrated solution of common table salt can give the candle flame a pale blue color. A sea-green flame will turn out if you use a solution of copper sulfate. And zinc shavings can give the flame a bright cornflower blue hue.

Step 2

The candles themselves can also be painted in different colors. Only this is possible to do with your own hands, if you do not take a ready-made candle, but cast it from scratch. In this case, dyes are mixed directly into paraffin or wax, depending on what the candle is made from.

Step 3

A couple of tips for self-casting and painting candles:

When solidified, the volume of paraffin decreases, and a conical depression forms in the upper part of the candle casting. This depression is filled with more heated paraffin (75-80 oC).

Candles can be made not only from one layer, but also from several multi-colored ones. Moreover, each new layer is filled with more heated paraffin.

Don't use too many dyes. When they burn, toxic substances can be released, and carbon deposits will form on the wick.

Step 4

Now about the aromatization of candles. One of the materials from which the candles are made (fat, wax or wick) is injected with a small amount of a suitable fragrance. Camphor, Peruvian balsam, cascarilla, benzoin gum, essential oils and other substances are excellent for these purposes. Just do not need to add a lot of aromatic substances, otherwise the candles will give little light and smoke heavily.