How To Play WoW Correctly

How To Play WoW Correctly
How To Play WoW Correctly

Table of contents:


WoW, or World of Warcraft, is the world's most popular MMORPG right now. Its players go a long way from the moment of creating their character to defeating the strongest enemies. And this path is not so long.

How to play WoW correctly
How to play WoW correctly

It is necessary

Computer, internet access, free time


Step 1

After purchasing the game, you need to register on the system and create a game account. In it, you can activate your purchase and get the first month of game time included in the price of the game. In the future, it is through him that your subscription to the game will be activated and further payment for the time spent in the game will be made.

Step 2

After registering an account and activating the game time, you will have access to download the game client. After downloading and installing it, you can finally enter the world of Azeroth and start creating your character. Several classes and races are available in the game - when you select each of them, you will see the appearance of your future alter ego on the left side of the screen, and a detailed description of its abilities and features will be displayed on the right. Do not forget to enter your in-game name in the field below the portrait.

Step 3

When a character first enters the game world, a brief history of the race to which he belongs is displayed. Each nation starts the game in its own special location and goes through the starting tasks that introduce the player to the game's controls and the combat system. Due to the logical system of plot development, the character gets the opportunity to go all the way from a rookie to a veteran, learning the history of the world along the way and facing a variety of opponents and allies.

Step 4

Pumping in the game is carried out in two ways: you get experience points either for completing tasks or for killing monsters. Monsters differ from each other in levels and abilities, some may well kill you, while others themselves will die from your first shot. If the level of the monster turns gray, it means that you are much stronger than him and you will not get experience for killing him. Quests allow you to get levels faster and more varied - they give you the opportunity to gain experience for exploring new locations, participating in global events, or collecting certain ingredients. The game's plot is non-linear and implies that you can simultaneously evolve and enjoy the study of Azeroth, its inhabitants and the events that took place in the entire history of its existence.

Step 5

Another important part of the game is the game dungeons, which allow you to team up with other characters to destroy powerful monsters that you cannot cope with alone. They allow you to get rare items, game values and experience, but to successfully complete you will have to learn to act in a team and play your role - either prevent the monsters from attacking other members of the group, or heal, or inflict damage.

Step 6

And, of course, we must not forget about the professions. You can upgrade your skill to create items that will help you become stronger, faster and more resilient - for example, potions, gems and spell scrolls for armor. Other professions will help you create the armor itself and change it as you level up. When pumping a profession to the maximum level, your items will be highly valued at the internal auction - a place where you can sell any non-personal item and get in-game currency for it from other players.
