How To Lure Money

How To Lure Money
How To Lure Money

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Money is not only financial means, but also a certain energy that must be directed in the right direction. There is an opinion that people who are successful and successful in life are perfectly familiar with the invisible laws of money, and also competently use the knowledge of monetary energy. This contributes to even more attraction of money to their personalities.

You must love money with all your heart and soul
You must love money with all your heart and soul


Step 1

Money into your wallet! To attract money into your life, you cannot keep your wallet empty. It is enough to put at least one coin into it. It is believed that money attracts money, and big money, accordingly, attracts big money. There is an opinion that bills are attracted by red color. Therefore, you can purchase a red wallet by putting in it three Chinese coins purchased from a Feng Shui merchandise store. It is worth noting that good finances do not tolerate shabby wallets filled with all sorts of rubbish (paper sheets, old checks). Crumpled money also has no place in your wallet! If there are any, they must be smoothed. By the way, the bills should be located in the wallet in accordance with their dignity. Do not forget about the fact that money loves the account.

Step 2

It is also necessary to keep money in an apartment wisely. It is believed that the kitchen is a symbol of satiety and comfort in the house. Therefore, it is best to hide them in a secluded place in the kitchen. It is recommended to put a piece of horseradish next to the bills, which will concentrate their energy. You cannot keep your savings in the bedroom or in the bathroom, it is believed that they will "flow away" or "fall asleep." It is also necessary to raise funds in an active way, arranging a ritual of luring them: three coins should be put upside down under the rug of your hallway and in the door from the refrigerator. It should be said: "To the banks - water, to money - money."

Step 3

To lure money to yourself, you need to purchase a special magic frog with a coin in its mouth in a Feng Shui store. She symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The souvenir should be positioned in the hallway in such a way that the frog "shows" all the people entering the house its backside. In turn, she should look directly into the apartment. A frog should be greeted, stroked and loved. Another popular way to raise funds is the money tree. It is necessary to buy a seedling in the store, plant it in your home, grow it, take care of it with love.

Step 4

Money loves not only an account, but also a careful attitude towards itself. They love it when they talk to them, they thank them. You can't complain about your finances, scold and condemn them. It is important to understand that money is an energy-informational structure capable of “feeling” the attitude of people towards them. In no case should someone else's finances be counted, nor should they be discussed. It doesn't matter what amount is in the wallet, any money needs to be able to say "thank you" for what it is, for what it feeds. It is believed that money goes to grateful owners more willingly. You should not even regret wasted financial resources. It is better to say: "How easily they left, so they will come easily and doubly!"
