How To Make A Doll For Shrovetide

How To Make A Doll For Shrovetide
How To Make A Doll For Shrovetide

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Shrovetide, Shrovetide! A great excuse in the cold winter to gorge on pancakes, dance and dance. And what is Shrovetide without the main hero of the occasion? If you want to make a doll with your own hands, here's a guide.

How to make a doll for Shrovetide
How to make a doll for Shrovetide

It is necessary

Thread, needle, old clothing or cloth, wooden stick, cardboard


Step 1

Take a white cloth. You will need 2 pieces. The size depends on the size of the future doll. If you want a small one to put on the table, take a 25 x 25 cm cloth. Make a large lump of rags and wrap it in the cloth. You will get the outline of the future doll head.

Step 2

Take a stick. If we proceed from the same proportions as that of the head, then the length of the stick should be 40-50 cm. Place the head on the stick and secure with threads. Tie 2 barks just below your head so that they cover the protruding pieces of fabric. Tie one bundle in the front, the other in the back.

Step 3

Take the cardboard. Roll a tube out of it, 20 cm long, and with a diameter of 2, 5. Cover it with a bright cloth. To prevent it from unwinding, secure it with tape or threads along the entire length, and tie the ends with threads. In appearance, the tube will resemble candy. Place it in the middle of the bast and secure at the back. This is how the Maslenitsa streams will turn out. Tie up the waist and neck of the pupa with threads. So she will acquire a figure.

Step 4

Clothing. Take the fabric and sew the petticoat. The more folds there are, the more magnificent the dress will appear. Take a bright fabric, fold it in half. Cut a hole for the head in the center of the fold and put it on Shrovetide. Where the doll has arms, cut through the fabric under them and sew the sleeve. You can cut an apron from fabric of a different color and tie it to the waist.

Step 5

You can bring the doll to life by drawing her face. Do this with a marker, felt-tip pen, pen, or sew on buttons instead of eyes. But if you intend to set fire to your creation, buttons are not the best option.

Step 6

Now Shrovetide is ready. For decoration, you can tie a scarf on her head or tie a pigtail. To do this, take 3 thin strips of fabric and braid like a pigtail. Wrap the ends with threads. Attach the braid to your head and sew. Have a nice carnival!
