A feature of pneumatic weapons is that large volumes of air pass through its barrel and lead dust from the bullets settles. If, during the shots, a large number of separations from the general group on the target appeared, then it’s time to clean the barrel of the pneumatics.

It is necessary
Cleaning rod, felt patches, kerosene, spindle oil, plastic brush
Step 1
Select the correct length of the ramrod. If there is none, make it yourself from a bar of silver (rather tough stainless steel). Slip a heat shrink tubing over it and attach a handle. The length of the cleaning rod should be about 60 cm. The side of the barrel from which the cleaning is carried out does not matter at all. Therefore, if it is difficult to get to the barrel from the side of the breech, it is better not to do this.
Step 2
Go through the barrel with a special plastic brush, pushing it with a ramrod. Mix spindle oil with kerosene in a 1: 3 ratio. Liberally soak 5-6 felt patches with this solution, if they are not found, you can use ordinary rags. Bend these patches or rags with a ramrod through the bore. After that, soak 2 more patches with acetone and run through the barrel. This will help remove any remaining grease from the barrel. Acetone dries instantly, taking the lubricant with it. Pure gasoline has the same property, but in no case should it be used when cleaning the barrel: its vapors will probably remain in it, and the rifle can be severely damaged at the first shot. Alcohol has properties similar to acetone, but poorly cleans the canal. If there is no acetone or the parts cannot withstand its effects, simply run 5-6 dry patches down the barrel, but the effect will be somewhat worse.
Step 3
After this step, take a cloth brush and apply some silicone grease to it. Clean the barrel channel with it. On visual inspection, there should be no trace of any type of lubricant used. In this case, the barrel will be clean, and the compression in it is high.
Step 4
There are felt patches that can be fired to clear the barrel of a rifle. There is no need to wait for obvious signs of contamination to use them. After about 300 shots, even if the barrel is visually clear, you need to fire 5-6 shots with these patches. When cleaning powerful spring-piston rifles in this way, you need to load three patches at once. This is due to the fact that when the compression is too low, the mechanism of the rifle wears out.