How To Knit With A Punched Card

How To Knit With A Punched Card
How To Knit With A Punched Card

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A knitting machine is a convenient and practical thing. Having mastered it (which, in fact, is quite easy), it is quite possible to reduce the time spent on manufacturing the product. It's a little more difficult to deal with a knitting machine that reads patterns and patterns from punched cards.

How to knit with a punched card
How to knit with a punched card


Step 1

First, figure out what a punch card is. It is a simple blank that starts and ends with a series of holes that span the entire width. These holes are needed so that the blank can be closed into a ring for multiple repetition of the pattern. In addition to the rows of holes that delimit the punch card at the top and bottom, there are two more vertical rows needed to provide line-by-line scrolling. In the corners of the blank, there are 8 holes (2 for each corner), designed for locks with which the punch card will be attached.

Step 2

In addition to the so-called "technical holes", there are others on the punched card that directly carry information about the pattern. It is from them that the machine will read the drawing.

Step 3

Go to work with a punched card. To begin with, the finishing element of the product is knitted (strip, inlay or elastic band). Before you start knitting the last row, you need to prepare the machine for working with the card.

Step 4

Before knitting a row that separates the trim from the pattern (transition or connecting row), the carriage of the knitting machine must be on the right. It is at this moment that you need to fill the punch card, setting it one line below the first row.

Step 5

The carriage at this time is on the left, nothing should be changed. It is necessary, as usual, to knit the last row (from left to right). When the row is knitted, the punch card automatically switches to the first row of the drawing (pattern), and the carriage has already read the information about the first row of the element. After that, you should set up the carriage for the desired weaving and continue to knit the pattern, performing similar actions.

Step 6

If you forget to prepare to work with the card before knitting the last row of trim, simply insert the blank, switch the carriage to idle and slide it back and forth.

Step 7

The punch card can be fixed in such a way that the pattern is repeated over and over again, you can also remove it at any time.
