Merlang: General Information

Merlang: General Information
Merlang: General Information

To start fishing with whiting, you need to carefully prepare, as it is a very fast and shy fish. Its meat is rather dry due to its low fat content; it is often used as a dietary product.

Merlang: general information
Merlang: general information

Merlang is a schooling predatory fish. Its length can reach 0.5 m and a mass of 1.2 kg. This fish lives in the Black Sea and the Kerch Strait. It is sometimes called haddock, but this is a misnomer.

Merlang is a cold-loving individual that is usually found near the coast in winter, and in summer - when the cooled waters rise after the winds. Spawns all year round, most of all in the winter months. The fry are kept under large jellyfish. They feed on gerbils or herring.

Usually whiting stays at a depth of 100 m. Seasonal migrations occur due to changes in water temperature. By April, this fish lives at a depth of 20-30 m. They catch it with bottom fishing rods or tyrant.

The bottom rod is equipped with a reel, long line, 3 leads and a stable lead. The tip of the rod should be soft so that you can easily determine the bite by its vibrations.

For fishing for tyrant use a special rate. It should be with a line of 0.4 mm, short leads of 0.20 mm. Hooks use white # 6 or # 7 with a long shank. The bet is equipped with a swivel, to which a carbine is added. The lead must be heavy (up to 500 g). Fishing takes place at the bottom.
