How To Paint A Mug

How To Paint A Mug
How To Paint A Mug

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Things made and decorated with your own hands have long been valued much more than ordinary things bought in a store. Even an ordinary glass mug can become a unique and inimitable creative gift if you paint it with special stained glass paints and decorate it in an original way - no one can find such a mug in a store, and your product will be a truly rare piece of work.

How to paint a mug
How to paint a mug

It is necessary

Glass mug, transparent skeletonized leaves for floristry, fired decoupage varnish, fired stained glass contour, thin brush, napkins, solvent and cotton swabs


Step 1

Degrease the mug by wiping it with solvent or acetone-based nail polish remover. Then select two or three identical leaves from the florist leaf set. They should have a flat surface without chips or cracks.

Step 2

Pour a small amount of decoupage varnish into a small plastic container and immediately close the jar of varnish to prevent it from drying out. Attach the first sheet to the mug and carefully apply the varnish over the sheet with a brush. Make sure that the sheet does not move or deform.

Step 3

Glue the sheet to the mug with varnish, carefully smearing the edges and sharp ends. Wipe off excess varnish stains with a cotton swab. If the leaf has a sticking out twig or stalk, drip varnish under it and glue the stalk with a piece of plasticine, pressing it against the glass.

Step 4

Repeat all described steps, glue three more sheets, and then rinse the brush. When the product is dry, gently scrape off the excess varnish that extends beyond the leaves with a knife. Then remove the plasticine from the cuttings and cut off the protruding fragments of the cutting with a sharp knife.

Step 5

Take a contour for stained glass painting and apply a pattern to the surface of the mug, constantly wiping the nose of the contour with a napkin so that it does not get dirty. If you make a mistake, erase the excess part of the pattern with a cotton swab until the outline has time to dry. Also, erroneous fragments can be scraped off with a knife after drying.

Step 6

Carefully paint the entire mug with the chosen ornament, making sure not to grease the already created painting, and then dry the mug for 24 hours and put it in the oven. Burn the mug in the oven for as long as indicated in the instructions for the varnish and the circuit. Your gift is ready.
