Spinner Tricks For Beginners

Spinner Tricks For Beginners
Spinner Tricks For Beginners

More and more young people are beginning to get carried away with newfangled pocket toys, and therefore it will be useful for them to learn simple spinner tricks for beginners. To impress your friends and understand how to do tricks with a spinner, you only need to learn a few combinations.

Find out what spinner tricks are for beginners
Find out what spinner tricks are for beginners

Fidget spinner trick "Take off"

The basic spinner tricks for beginners include Takeoff. It forms the base of all feints, so after mastering it, it will be easier to learn other movements. First, spin the spinner on your index finger using the middle finger. With the same middle finger, sharply launch the toy into the air (do not jerk your index finger or move it to the side, otherwise vertical flight will not work).

The most important thing in the trick is the flight height. To get the spinner to soar as high as possible, practice pushing it off harder, making sure that the flight is exactly vertical. When the toy falls down, you can catch it with your palm or wait until it lands on some surface.

Spinner Trick "Helicopter"

This spinner trick for beginners consists in throwing the spinner from one finger to another, while the toy should not stop spinning throughout the flight. If you have mastered "Flight", there should be no special problems with this feint. Place the spinner on your index or middle finger and spin it to a low speed. Do not overdo it: a heavily promoted toy will be more difficult to toss. Keep your finger as straight as possible. Bring the free middle or index finger of the other hand to it so that they are parallel, and the distance between them is about 5-7 cm.

With the help of a push with the neighboring finger and a sharp lunge of the hand up, throw the spinner towards the free finger so that it lands on it. You can gently help him in this with the adjacent finger of the appropriate hand. Flick from side to side with your finger and the hand itself so that the movement of the toy does not stop. With practice, you will be able to flip the spinner from finger to finger for longer distances and with strong spin.

Runway spinner trick

This is another popular spinner trick for beginners and is a slightly more complicated variation on the previous one. This time, when throwing the toy, you need to catch it not with your finger, but with the back of your hand. Of course, the rotation should not stop.

The hand, which will act as the runway, can be clenched into a fist. In this case, the spinner will not be able to stop immediately if it finds itself on a slightly protruding surface of the fist. A trick to get a beautiful continuation if, 1-2 seconds after landing, you send it flying again and catch the surface of a different brush.

Fidget spinner trick

This is another variation of the "Helicopter", which can be easily mastered by beginners. Start spinning the spinner on your toe and at the same time carefully and without haste lower your hand towards the belt, while lifting the opposite leg bent at the knee. With a sharp but precise movement, place your hand with the spinner under your knee and immediately toss the toy up.

Catch the spinner with the finger or palm of the opposite hand using one of the previous tricks. After that, you can continue the combination by making a reverse re-roll under the knee. The most difficult thing here is to maintain balance while standing on one leg, as well as to monitor the position of your hands so as not to miss when catching a spinning toy.

Fidget Spinner Trick "Reverse Throw"

This is a feint for more experienced players who have mastered the previous combinations, in particular, "Throw from under the foot." You need to be able to carefully observe the spinner's flight and predict its direction. A particular difficulty here is that you will have to throw and catch the toy almost blindly.

Throw the spinner up with your finger above your head and at the same time sharply turn around you. Catch the toy with your palm. An even more spectacular kind of trick consists of catching the spinner with your palm, turning your back to it, while the toy falls down.

Spinner trick "Yula"

This is a very simple move, a good spinner trick for beginners that can effectively complete any of the previous combinations. The trick consists in strongly spinning the spinner and launching it upward with its further landing on a flat surface. The landed toy should spin as fast as a whirligig.

To perform "Yula", it is enough to stand closer to the table, chest of drawers or other suitable piece of furniture, launching the spinner just above it. So, by combining various tricks for beginners that are not very difficult, you can easily surprise your friends and even shoot an interesting and exciting video on YouTube.
