How To Make A Paper Monkey

How To Make A Paper Monkey
How To Make A Paper Monkey

Doing all kinds of paper crafts will help your child develop fine motor skills, and this, in turn, will have a positive effect on his overall development: the formation of correct speech, intelligence, attention, etc.

How to make a paper monkey
How to make a paper monkey

You can make a lot of all kinds of crafts out of paper, but on the eve of the New Year - the year of the Fire Monkey, crafts in the form of this particular animal are very popular. There are many techniques for making a monkey out of paper, below is one of the simplest, following which you will get a pretty cute animal.

You will need:

- a sheet of loose paper;

- felt-tip pen;

- scissors.

Take a sheet of paper, and if it has a rectangular shape (A4 format), then make a square out of it. Once the square is done, place it in front of you with one of the corners towards you and fold it in half to form an isosceles triangle.


Next, fold the figure in half again, for this, combine the right corner of the triangle with the left.


Lift the upper part of the workpiece and align its sharp corner with another sharp corner. Make sure that when folding the edges of this figure "parted" to the sides and it turns into a square.


Turn the workpiece over to the other side (inside out). Take the shape by the sharp corner (there is only one) and connect it with a right angle that is directed in your direction. In the same way as in the previous step, make sure that the edges of the figure when folding "parted" in different directions. Iron all folds of the workpiece thoroughly.


Put the craft in front of you, then fold the lower right side of it, as well as the lower left side so that they pass exactly in the center of the figure. Bend the top corner down. Iron all the folds well, then straighten the entire step just done. With your left hand, grab the bottom corner of the figure and lift it up, while supporting the rest of the structure with your right hand so that it does not fall apart. As a result, you should get the following.


Turn the workpiece over with the wrong side facing you and repeat the entire previous step.

Align the lower sides of the resulting rhombus with the center of the figure. Turn the workpiece over from the face to the wrong side and repeat the manipulations.


Next, turn the figure 180 degrees, with your left hand hold the structure by its upper part, with your right hand, take one lower corner of the workpiece and lift it up. Iron the fold. With scissors, cut the bent part of the centimeter two or three above the fold itself. Shape the head and ears.


Cut the lower part of the workpiece with scissors in the middle to the level of the animal's chin. Bend them in different directions, forming the hind limbs. Do the same with the front limbs. In what position to use them is up to you. Finally, draw the eyes and nose of the animal.
