The bow is a powerful ranged weapon. Armed with a bow, the player can effectively resist aggressive monsters, which are abundant in the forests and caves of Minecraft.

The ability to make a bow at the very beginning of the game makes you feel confident enough when exploring the world. This is especially true of traveling through caves in search of resources.
To create a bow, you need three sticks and three threads. Sticks can be made from any boards that can be obtained from wood (most likely in the area where you appeared, there are plenty of trees, wood can be mined with bare hands), you will have to look for threads. They can be obtained from the web using scissors or a sword, you can disassemble a block of wool into threads, you can kill a spider.
It is best to make a wooden or stone sword, especially if you notice spiders near your home. A sword can be made from one stick and two blocks of planks or cobblestones. It is better to make a pair of swords at the initial stage, since boards and cobblestones are not very durable materials.
After making a sword, go in search of spiders or cobwebs. You should not go underground without sufficient preparation, it is better to look for them on the surface. Terrestrial spiders are not as aggressive as cave spiders. During the day, they do not attack the player first at all, so you can walk on the surface relatively calmly. To collect enough strands, you need to kill two to six spiders. If you find a place covered with cobwebs, carefully cut down a few extreme blocks, but do not climb inside, most likely there are many spiders there. Better remember this place and return to it fully armed.
After collecting enough threads, return to your home. Open the workbench, arrange the threads so that they fill any extreme vertical, three sticks should form half a diamond in the remaining cells, as indicated in the attached picture.
You can try to get a bow by killing a skeleton. These monsters are found both on the surface and underground. It is not very difficult to kill them, the main thing when approaching is to dodge their arrows.
Making arrows
Unfortunately, you need arrows to use the bow effectively. Arrows are created from sticks, feathers, and flint. Flint can be found by digging up gravel - a loose, gray material found on riverbanks under layers of sand. It is better to dig it with a shovel. Feathers can be obtained by killing chickens. Chickens are friendly creatures that can inhabit any region.
When you find an area inhabited by chickens, do not forget to collect eggs, of which there should be a lot of them around. With their help, you can make a chicken farm near the house.
From a feather, flint and stick in a workbench, four arrows are obtained.