How To Announce A Competition

How To Announce A Competition
How To Announce A Competition

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The element of competition can make even the most boring or overly difficult task noticeably livelier. Participants of the competition try, invent new techniques, strive to complete the task as quickly and better as possible. And if everyone strives to successfully complete the work they have begun, then every now and then they argue, and the results are usually high. If you go even further and invite an authoritative jury, which will not only evaluate the work, but also tell you what is good in them and what is not important so far, the competition, among other things, can still teach a lot.

Try to come up with small prizes for everyone
Try to come up with small prizes for everyone


Step 1

Even for the most uncomplicated competition, it is necessary to come up with conditions. Think about what goal you would like to achieve. This can be a short-term goal (for example, to come up with an emblem for a rock club or record a CD with folk songs performed by members of a vocal group), or it can be a longer task. For example, to teach the pupils of the same vocal group to independently select and learn the repertoire. Different goals can be combined. By announcing a competition, you can record a disc, teach amateur artists to navigate the repertoire, and even attract new participants to your team.

Step 2

The goals you set for yourself do not need to be fully announced. But the conditions of the competition, on the contrary, should be known and understood by everyone. So write them down on paper. If we are talking about a drawing competition or, say, a scientific project, indicate the subject matter, volume, design requirements, and the time frame in which the work must be submitted. You can indicate the number of works from one participant, and the possibility of collective participation.

Step 3

Choose a jury. There may even be two of them, especially if a lot of work is foreseen. One jury selects works that more or less meet the requirements of the competition, and the second chooses the best from the selected works. If there are not many works, then the competition can be held in one round. It is highly desirable that the jury includes people who really understand the subject and, moreover, are interested in holding the competition. It is wiser to choose the chairman of the jury from among the invited, and take on the role of secretary.

Step 4

Think about prizes. These may not necessarily be certificates, diplomas and medals, although it is good when they are. But according to the results of the drawing competition, it would be nice to hold an exhibition, and if you considered scientific projects, then a conference where the winners could tell in detail about their work. The prize can be an opportunity to publish in a magazine (even an amateur one), or record a disc. If you manage to find a sponsor, then you can buy quite material prizes. It is better if these are useful and necessary things.

Step 5

The upcoming competition must be announced in advance. This can be done on local media or social media. There you can also mark the conditions of the competition, the composition of the jury and possible prizes.
