Kim Semenovich Saunov is a Soviet singer performing on the stage. He also played some musical instruments, the main of which was the piano. Honored Artist of Russia.

The birthplace of Kim Suanov is the Ossetian city of Alagir. Date of birth - 1940. The singer's father, Semyon Borisovich Suanov, headed the local printing house, then worked as a party functionary. The post he held was high enough. Mother, Ekaterina Khasakoevna, did not hold responsible posts, she was engaged in raising her children, of whom she had three. Kim had two brothers - Kazbek and Felix.
Childhood and the beginning of a creative career
Like all children of the war era, Kim had practically no childhood. It was a difficult war and post-war period. Already in his school years, Kim began to show a deep interest in music. He had perfect pitch and pure treble. As a child, he was very fond of singing folk songs. Parents tried in every possible way to encourage his passion for music, and at the age of 15 he managed to go on stage for the first time. This happened at one of the music competitions in which he was awarded by the jury.
After graduating from 8 classes, Kim leaves for the city of Ordzhonikidze, where he enters a music school, in which, by the way, he studied for a very short time. He was not at all happy that he was studying choral conducting there. The young musician really wanted to sing, not conduct. Therefore, Kim preferred his own school to the music school, where after 2 years he received his secondary education. But on this the young man's attempts to enter the school in the singing class did not end, and after graduating from school he again went to Ordzhonikidze. This time everything turned out the way he dreamed of, his ability to perform Ossetian melodies was appreciated, and the jury gave Kim a recommendation for admission to the music conservatory. In 1961 he began his studies at the Saratov Conservatory in the vocal class.
A year later, the future professional singer was drafted into the Navy. He had to serve in Kamchatka as a submariner. But he was not on the submarine for long - a year later he was invited to sing in the choir of the Pacific Fleet. As part of it, Kim Suanov took part in the All-Union Song Festival "Soviet Song", of which he became a laureate. After completing his military service, the young singer continued his studies at the conservatory, from which he graduated a year later.
After that he worked in the Philharmonic, performing vocal parts in such musical groups as "Electron" and "Kazbek". In 1975, Kim Semenovich Suanov was awarded the knowledge "People's Artist of the North Ossetian Republic". His work was appreciated not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. The singer toured a lot. Among the countries he visited were Poland, East Germany, Japan, Jordan and many others. In 1993 he created a professional orchestra. Then he was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".
Kim Suanov's life ended on May 25, 1995. The famous artist and artistic director died in a car accident. He was buried in Vladikavkaz. The singer made a worthy contribution to Russian pop music. His songs continue to sound on Russian radio today.