Melody Gardot: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Melody Gardot: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Melody Gardot: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The fact that vocal and musical compositions have therapeutic properties has been known for a long time. At the same time, every time they come across specific precedents, people never cease to be amazed. Melody Gardot was literally resurrected by music.

Melody Gardot
Melody Gardot

Tragic accident

The popular jazz singer and composer Melody Gardot was born on December 2, 1985 in an ordinary American family. Parents lived at that time in New Jersey. The father soon left home. Mother worked as a photographer in various publishing houses and often went to the shooting. The girl spent almost all the time with her grandparents. Melody was not bad at school. From an early age of childhood, she demonstrated vocal and musical abilities. At the age of nine, she began studying at a music school, piano and guitar.

At the age of sixteen, Gardo began making money performing at a local nightclub. She was good at performing jazz compositions by the famous George Gershwin, Duke Ellington, Peggy Lee. After completing her secondary education, Melody entered the fashion department at the College of Philadelphia. In 2003, the girl got into a car accident and received serious injuries and injuries. She was bedridden for a year. After some time, experts admitted that she had almost no chance of surviving.

Glasses, cane and jazz

For some time after the incident, Melody looked like a vegetable. She lost her memory and developed a hypertrophied sensitivity to light. Since then, she barely takes off her dark glasses. A council of attending physicians advised her to take up music. And she followed this recommendation. Gardo began humming melodies, though the singing was more like an incoherent rumbling. However, as a result of such exercises, the body was restored.

Unable to play the piano, the singer gradually mastered the technique of playing the guitar. Being in a motionless state, she composed songs and recorded them on a tape recorder. Modern therapies and music therapy have led to amazing results. Melody regained her memory and began to move around the room. After a while, music producer Larry Klein began to study with her. Gardo's songs began to sound on the air of the local radio.


Essays on personal life

To the surprise of the singer herself, her work, which she considered as one of the treatment courses, received recognition from viewers and critics. Gardot called her first album "Lessons in a Hospital Ward." Then new entries followed. In 2013, the singer visited Russia, where she was warmly greeted by fans and connoisseurs. When walking, Melody leans on a cane. On stage, during performances, a special chair is placed for her.

The singer's vocal career is developing successfully. In her personal life, she adheres to the rules and rituals of Buddhism. Seriously fond of the eastern food system. Highlights the fact that cooking has a calming and pain relieving effect. Gardo is still not married.
