How To Play Himachi

How To Play Himachi
How To Play Himachi

Table of contents:


Hamachi (himachi, hamster) is one of the most popular utilities for playing on the Internet. It is quite simple to use, and it fits most projects: therefore, it is installed by almost every lover of online games.

How to play himachi
How to play himachi

It is necessary

Hamachi (himachi, hamster)


Step 1

Download the distribution. The program is distributed free of charge, so it won't be difficult to find it. Try to download only from the official site and only the latest version. Using a client that is not the newest one, you run the risk of encountering compatibility problems and the inability to create a network, and downloading from pirate sites - picking up a virus or downloading an additional two songs and four pictures (the size of the archives is artificially inflated in order to increase traffic).

Step 2

Install Hamachi for yourself and other users. The principle of the program is that it creates an "artificial local network", forcing the software to think that an additional wire is connected to the computer. Therefore, by installing a "hamster" for yourself and your friends, you can create a "room" that will simulate a new connection. For stable operation, you need to use the same program clients on all computers.

Step 3

Create a network. This is done by the appropriate tab after starting the program. Hamachi does not require registration, so you don't need any extra effort. The rest of the computers must connect to the existing network, specifying its name and password (if any). Please note that if the hosting server turns off the computer, the room will close. Among the pluses, it is worth noting that it will forever remain in your bookmarks and will not require re-creation.

Step 4

Understand the game. Firstly, it must be able to "play by Lan". If there is none, then you probably won't need hamachi. The greatest disappointment in this regard is offered by the games of the Steam system, which are designed specifically for an Internet game and do not always have such a mode.

Step 5

Remember the IP that the program will give you. It is highlighted directly above your nickname and consists of 4 numbers, each no more than 3 characters. When the network is created, the host must communicate its IP to all players via the built-in chat and "Create a Lan game" (how to do this depends on the specific product). All remaining players in the field "Connect to the game" must enter the IP of the host, then the connection will be calculated, and you can play himachi.
