Ollie is one of the most famous tricks in the world of skateboarders, and you can perform it not only on a real skateboard, but also on a fingerboard, on which tricks are performed with the help of dexterity of the fingers. Ollie is the backbone of all the more complex tricks, so if you want to master the fingerboard, spend very little time learning this simple action.

Step 1
During Ollie, the skateboarder must jump in the air with his skateboard, without lifting his feet from the surface of the board. In the case of the fingerboard, the rules remain the same, only your fingers will play the role of the skateboarder's feet.
Step 2
Place your middle finger on the tail of the fingerboard slightly obliquely, covering the rear screws with your finger, and place your index finger in the middle of the board parallel to it.
Step 3
Pull the fingerboard back a little, and then briskly click the tail of the fingerboard with your middle finger and pull the board forward and up with your index finger. Lift the fingerboard off the table surface and level it in flight, being careful not to lift your index finger off the surface of the board, which should remain level.
Step 4
Learn to coordinate your fingers and keep the board balanced without dropping it. While landing, keep your fingers on the screws - put your index finger on the front screws, and the middle one on the rear screws.
Step 5
Hone Ollie's skill, and then when the trick starts to work, move on to more complex and combined tricks. Try jumping on objects of different heights with Ollie's help.
Step 6
You also have to learn how to perform the Ollie's trick on the move - this will only work after you perfectly master the jumping in Ollie from a place.
Step 7
The more you practice, the better the trick will turn out and the easier it will be for you to learn the combined twists and turns.