Collective performance is the basis of music-making in a number of modern trends: rock, jazz, metal are impossible without team play. If you know how to play an instrument and want to create your own "gang", find musicians that meet several criteria.

Step 1
First of all, answer yourself the question: what kind of music do you want to play? Even just the name of the genre will not be an exhaustive answer, since the genres indicated in the announcement are too broad. Define your style even more precisely.
Most of these businesses are conceived of as non-profit, but over time they move into the channel of financial payback. Decide if you will do it for the money. If so, be prepared to be patient before you earn anything with your creativity.
Think about how the graphic recording of works will be made out: in notes, in tablatures, in the letter designation of chords, or something else. Who will compose the music: just you, the whole team or a person from the outside? In accordance with all these points, make a list of requirements for performers: experience, literacy, level, personal qualities.
Step 2
The main composition of a rock group is an electric guitar (or two), a bass guitar, a drum kit. Most groups have vocals, many have a synthesizer, in rare cases violinists, flutists and performers on other instruments are invited. Brass (trumpets, saxophones, etc.) are often found in jazz.
Think about a line-up that will play the music you need in the colors you need. And keep in mind that the larger the team, the more difficult it is to keep it.
Step 3
Visit several music forums. You will surely find announcements of musicians wishing to join an existing or new band. Check if your passions and goals are the same. Set up a test meeting with the performers (alone or together), talk. If everything is ok, then schedule a rehearsal.
Step 4
In the process of forming a collective, be prepared to review a dozen candidates for each vacancy at the preparatory stage (before the first rehearsal) and a hundred at the second stage (before the first concert). This is normal and does not indicate your leadership incompetence.