Ball plasticine is an unusual material for modeling. It consists of small bead-like balls, which are connected by the finest threads of special glue. This plasticine is very convenient when working, as it does not get dirty and does not stick to your hands.

You can create many interesting crafts from ball plasticine. With its help, they make applications, panels, they decorate photo frames and vases. This activity is perfect for young children and older children. Even adults are more involved in crafts. Try and you make something from ball plasticine.
Christmas decorations
To make such Christmas tree decorations, you need, first of all, to prepare templates, that is, draw balls or snowflakes on cardboard, or you can also draw a snowman, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. Then cut them out and put plasticine balls on them on both sides. Tie the threads to the toys, and the Christmas tree decorations are ready!
The panel is made as easily as the Christmas tree decorations. For the basis, take a picture or just a frame. If you have a finished painting, then balls are applied to it in such a way that each color corresponds to a specific object in the painting. If you took only a frame, then first you need to draw some kind of drawing and fix it in the frame. And then all the actions are exactly the same as when making a panel from a finished picture.
A vase for flowers
In order to make a vase, you can take any jar. It's good if it is of an interesting shape. Next, roll the balls of plasticine with a special rolling pin to make a thin layer. It is wound on a jar, the edges are fixed, and the excess is removed. Now you can decorate the vase. Here is freedom for your fantasies. It can be a flower or a curly branch, or you can attach a ladybug. And now your graceful vase is ready! She can decorate the interior of a house or summer cottage.
Teddy bear
Even small children can make a bear cub. To do this, a lump is made from plasticine balls - this will be the head. Further, in the same way, blanks of the body and paws are made. And now you need to make the eyes, nose, mouth and ears of the bear. All individual parts of the craft stick to each other. The bear is ready!
Photo frames
Photo frames can also be beautifully decorated with ball plasticine. Here you can decide for yourself what pattern to create on it. Such a frame for photos can be presented to a child for a holiday, or maybe the child himself can make it and give it to a friend or girlfriend.
With the help of ball plasticine, you can make not only individual crafts, but also create whole compositions. Topics for them can be very different: for example, "animals in the forest", "round dance of butterflies" and others.