To draw a hare and a wolf, you need to study the photographs of these animals. Even if you decide to portray them in a different angle, knowledge of the proportions of the body and colors of animals will come in handy in your work.

Step 1
How to draw strong hare / strong and bwolf / b "class =" colorbox imagefield imagefield-imagelink "> Determine the location of the wolf on the sheet. You can limit this space with a thin light outline. To determine how large each part of the picture should be, one of them can be considered For example, take the length of the wolf's head as unit. Measure it along the horizontal axis. The height of the head is half a unit. Draw its approximate outlines
Step 2
Then, from the level of the back of the head, draw a vertical axis inclined at an angle of 45 °. Draw the outline of the animal's neck around the axis. Its length is equal to the length of the muzzle. From the neck to the end of the wolf's right paw, measure one more unit and a quarter, hide the left paw behind a snowdrift. The width of the chest of a wolf is equal to the length of the head. The width of the part of the body, which is visible to the right, is equal to one third of this distance. Draw the wolf's hind legs, following the shape you see in the photo.
Step 3
Divide the length of the wolf's head in half. At this level, draw the eye of the animal. The left eye is not visible from this angle, so just mark the darker fur next to it.
Step 4
Also build the image of the hare. Use an oval shape to outline the location of the object on the paper. The length of the oval should be twice as long as the width. Divide the oval in half with a vertical line. To the left of it, gradually increase the height of the figure - the body of the hare in the figure should become egg-shaped
Step 5
Divide the length of the animal into five equal parts. The two parts on the right will fall on the animal's head - it is almond-shaped and lowered down. Divide this distance in half to determine the location of the eye. The axis for it should be at an angle of 45 ° in relation to the lower border of the sheet.
Step 6
Measure the height of your head in the picture. Draw lines one and a half times longer to indicate the ears of the hare. Make the right one wider (facing the viewer) and shorter. Slightly outline the outlines of the paws pressed to the body.
Step 7
Color both animals. Basic color spots can be done with watercolors. When the paint is dry, transfer the texture of the wool. To do this, make short strokes with watercolor pencils. The direction of the strokes should follow the direction of the coat.