Ponies have become noticeably more popular lately than they were 10 or 15 years ago. This is due to the cartoon "My Little Pony", which in a short period of time has acquired a large number of fans. Therefore, it is not surprising that many novice artists ask: "How to draw a pony in stages?"

Step 1
Since the cartoon "My Little Pony" is considered childish, the proportions of the main characters and heroines are changed. To draw a pony in stages, you need to outline two main details: the body and the head. Draw the first part in the form of an oval, and the second in the form of a circle. The head must be positioned above the body.
Step 2
Define the nose, mouth, and hair of the character. Decide in advance which pony you decide to draw. All cartoon characters are individual, have their own characteristics and characters. Some of them are even unicorns, not ponies.
Step 3
Divide the head into two hemispheres with a horizontal line. Draw the pony's eyes. The technique of drawing an eye in this case resembles the "anime" style. Draw a large oval and draw two small ones inside it. Draw eyelashes and eyebrows around the eye.
Step 4
Draw two parallel lines from the bottom of the body and connect them with a slightly convex line. Draw a triangle to the right of the resulting shape. The result should be two pony legs. Do the same with the hind legs. Don't forget to draw the pony's tail.
Step 5
Sharpen the outline of the drawing. Draw a border for all parts of the body. Add details (hair and ponytail, tattoos, etc.).