How To Learn To Draw Technique

How To Learn To Draw Technique
How To Learn To Draw Technique

A car, a tank, a train, an airplane, a tractor … It may seem to a person who begins to learn to draw that it is incredibly difficult to depict all these objects. In fact, this is not the case. Even those who possess only the most elementary skills of visual activity can draw the technique.

How to learn to draw technique
How to learn to draw technique

Every detail is a geometric body

Consider pictures of vehicles or tanks. Looking closely, you will notice that any car can be represented as several geometric bodies. For example, the fuselage of an aircraft can be represented as a cylinder or truncated cone, the nose part as a fragment of a ball or cone, and the wings are trapezoidal. Imagine how this or that body looks when projected onto a plane. It will help you learn how to draw a technical drawing technique, in which details are depicted without taking into account the laws of perspective.

Easiest angle

Choose pictures that you don't need to apply the laws of perspective to when drawing. It is more convenient for a novice artist to depict a car with its side facing the viewer. In this case, the truck will consist of a square, a rectangle and two circles, a ship - of two trapezoids or a trapezoid and a triangle. Try to draw some simple pictures that show the technique from this simple perspective.

The laws of perspective

After you begin to confidently depict the technique that is facing you, try drawing it from a different angle. To do this, you need to know the elementary laws of perspective. Place the cube at some distance from you so that its corner "looks" at you. Continue the edges of the cube in your mind. You will find that the closer the imaginary lines are to you, the more they diverge. The top edge of the cube does not resemble a square, but a trapezoid. Try to draw this cube. Then place the toy truck in front of you so that the corner of the cab is in front of you. Draw the cockpit as a cube and the body as a parallelepiped.

To begin with, you can draw all the lines of these geometric bodies. Pay attention to the joints of the parts. Remove lines that should not be visible (lower edges farther from the viewer on the lower sides of the parts). The wheels of the car, located at such an angle, do not seem round, but oval, and very elongated vertically. This makes the rear wheel appear smaller than the front.

How to draw a tank

To draw a tank, draw a vertical centerline. Mark its lowest point, and from it draw segments at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the centerline. You do not need to measure with a protractor, do it by eye. Mark the width of the tank on one line and the length on the other. Draw a parallel line for each segment. You will have a quadrangle. On the centerline, mark the track height. From this point, draw a second quadrangle. It will be the same as the first one. The caterpillar itself is a rectangle with rounded corners. Draw a second caterpillar with a thin pencil. Draw a body on the upper rectangle - the side is a trapezoid, the front is a parallelogram. The top faces converge at one point. The hatch is a short cylinder on the roof. The cannon is a long cylinder.
