A chord is a combination of three or more sounds that are located or can be located at a distance of a third from each other and are taken simultaneously or sequentially. There are several types of chords: major, minor, seventh. In turn, each type has several types - calls. When building a chord in each specific case, you need to know certain laws.

Step 1
Triad. It is denoted by a letter or Roman numeral representing the root of the chord, followed by the Arabic numerals 3 and 5, indicating the distance between the root of the chord and each note (third and fifth, respectively). In major and minor triads, the fifth is clean. In a major triad, the lower third is large (two tones or four semitones), in a minor triad, it is minor (one and a half tones or three semitones). Therefore, a major chord is composed of a major third and a minor third, and a minor chord is composed of a minor third and a major third.
Step 2
Sext chord. The first inversion of the chord, that is, the transfer of the extreme sound an octave up or down (in the specific case - up). It is designated by a letter or a Roman numeral denoting the root of the chord, and an Arabic numeral 6. The lower tone is moved up, as a result, the major triad consists of the following intervals: minor third, pure fourth. Minor triad: major third, pure fourth.
Step 3
Quartsext chord. Second appeal. This time, the top sound of the original chord has been moved one octave down. A chord is denoted by a letter or Roman numeral denoting the root of the chord, and numbers 4 and 6. A major quarter chord is constructed from a clean fourth and a major third, a minor one from a clean fourth and a minor third.